Russia Ukraine War Is Leading to Chaos of World War 3 in Real...?

Ukraine Russia War - A Humanity Crises

The world is undergoing and watching a recent development that is not pleasant, and acceptable to any sane person. The post-pandemic times when we are all trying to recover from the internal and external damages that are done by the microscopic creature coronavirus. There is a dark shade of skies of Ukraine with an invasion by Russian forces. With missiles hitting civilian cities, and carpet bombing, as well as the land forces, are combatting, we have seen so much damage in the otherwise clean and highly developed cities of Ukraine. Why did it happen and where is the United Nations as this is a crisis for the whole of humanity

Here the question arises as there is a lot of damage has already been done. We have read and heard that the United States and European Union were given a back to the government of Ukraine that they will come forward to help in solving, and to protect the Ukrainian assets and its public. But none of the countries has a strong stance except that Russia's foreign assets are frozen in some of the major countries like America and France. The actual reason to write this blog is to highlight the fact that every war is a human crisis. 

Each innocent man, woman, or child if killed in Kyiv of Ukraine is as precious as the ones who were killed in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Gaza, Myanmar, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Afghanistan, African Countries, and at every place. Humanity is at crisis whenever a massacre, genocide, and declared or non-declared war is imposed on people who have nothing to do with local or global politics. life is full of struggle and difficult to pass, and with the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is worsened as many people around the globe are striving for a two-time meal. 

Here at this stage, when we hear about Russia, having the biggest stock of nuclear weapons in the world, and a big country has actually attacked the neighboring state of Ukraine. I was part of the great Soviet Union or USSR till the end of the 1980s. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of many affiliated states, there emerged an independent and sovereign state of Ukraine. So, there was no need to go against war with anyone, and if there were political or geographical disputes then it could have been solved over the table talks.

Unfortunately, the world and United Nations again failed to stop two countries from the collision as a war, and there are no bigger steps being taken to let the heads of both countries have mutual discussions and ceasefires. So, the chaos is getting deeper and stronger, and there is a voice very clearly heard from different corners of the world. On print, electronic and social media that it the beginning of World War 3. As there are nuclear weapons in both countries at war, and with their natural allies and enemies. 

The bone-chilling concept of arise of the third world war is too grave. It means that human beings are digging their own grave as this time it won't be like World War 1 and the World War 2, which also took millions of lives, and the whole world order was changed, especially by the second world war. The Third World War would mean the end of modern civilians, industries, billions of deaths or severe injuries, and strange diseases. 

A loss of peace at all, and a polluted environment where there will be no crops and fruits to be grown if only one country will use the slight challenge of a nuclear arsenal. It won't be the conventional war, and then the missiles, bombs, war deterrents are so powerful and developed that there will be collateral damage everywhere. It would mean that the human beings would have done a collective suicide, and that won't be a usual war which is already been fought in different regions. If still the great minds of the world are not concerned and don't take the Russia and Ukraine war seriously then it means somehow mankind is moving towards the end of the world as a subconscious flow inside out...!!

Why People Put Their Lust for Worldly Affairs as an Excuse to Perform What They Want..!!

Lust for Material Things Has Overcome Human Emotions
Worldly Desires and Modern Human Psyche

Most people in the current world are prone to worldly desires unlike, the olden times. There were values and courtesy for others, and compassion to serve and care for others. It is not a thing that things were ideal in every era and region but most of the civilized world had some set rules. But the modern world that emerged after the World War 11 is in fact in chaos. Its been decades of wars, cold wars, politics, financial gains, status, race, and more of the barriers that were created. The big chaotic situation that the world has seen arose when we had entered the 21st century. 

The whole social, cultural and financial situation has changed with a continuous presentation of new tools, gadgets, inventions, and the introduction of new mediums of entertainment. There was cinema and radio before the second world war but later there came the television that became the heart and soul of every home. The shows, dramas, documentaries, and films showcased on television are part and parcel of our lives. The world and especially the first world countries like the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain Sweden, Norway, Denmark Holland, and many other countries gave permission and introduction to open up casinos, bars, pubs, clubs and there was a legal pornographic cinema industry being established. 

So, the values kept on changing as there was a big change in the socio-cultural set up of Europe and America. Lots of men got killed in the wars and women had to ear bread and butter for their families. It led to a free society as women were the equal partners in offices, banks, restaurants, the retail industry, sex workers, and lots more. But the real problem arose as the societies evolved not for the better but for the worst with segregated families, broken families, wandering kids being grown in all types of companies. The crime rate exceeded. So, did we see that the world started saying "Mind Your Own Business". The phrase and psyche were developed due to chaos and misguidance. 

Then we see that the world has changed and people are quite merciless, blunt, rude, selfishness has prevailed on a larger scale. The timely relationships have been a predominant factor, and most people don't want to be in long-term relations of commitment. They want a good time pass, and the present time is full of online connections, social media days, and the concept of being viral is a "New Normal". Now it is time that you cannot ask anyone to stop doing any bad act in front of others. If some person out of compassion asks his or her own siblings, kids, and others that the time relationships over calling apps, social media, and being in a social circle that may damage the whole lives and reputation. But the other people can easily say. It's their life and they have every right to live in their own preferred way. 

Yeah! We all are born free but as Aristotle said said "Man is Born free but has to live in Social and Legal Chains". That's absolutely true. Now people ask you to hand out with them and have a one-night stand and for them, it is okay to follow their lustful paths, and then move on, without even saying goodbye and a reason to leave someone who is really emotionally involved. But the young generation says that life is full of chances and they need to fulfill their world worldly desires and to get their lives being served.

Unlike our ancestors who always thought that commitment, friendship, relationships, and a word of mouth were more valuable than a legal document. So, we see the modern world is more prone to divert and to ditch the real feeling, thoughts, and emotions, people are considered honorable and valuable based on their financial and societal status and on their cowardly achievements. Good hearts, minds, and, souls are just good to quote but not for a longer relationship. 

Playing with Weak Emotions of Others is Also a Crime Against Humanity..!!

Playing with Emotions of Others is Highly Immoral
Emotional Exploitation is Against Humanity

I have seen in my life so many twists and turns, and with each new experience, I am better able to learn something new about human psychology. I am well aware of the fact that human feelings and emotions are one of the most vulnerable things in the world. Those people who claim themselves to have strong control over their nerves are seen shaken when there is something problematic happens with their loved ones. So, emotional intelligence or EIQ is now a more important determining factor than the age-old IQ result. The factors which contribute to the development of a human mind are very complex and vary from person to person. 

It is a digital world with gadgets and apps that connect people worldwide. But don't you think that the emotions and feelings are fading out. It is so common to write "I Love You" to anyone while chatting. But does it mean anything? In most cases, it does not. Actually, the gaps and distains in sharing and caring among the loved ones, within families, and a shortage of true friends is a universal crisis. So, the main purpose of most of the people who use online mediums and social media is to kill their time, and they end u to hurt others in many cases. 

Love and admiration are two tools that can melt the hearts like candles. So, it is a common strategy to try to understand what others are lacking in their lives, and most of the time if they feel alone and if ditched by a lover or a friend then it is so easy. To exploit this emotional space. When there is no meaning to saying Love You then don't say it. If you don't feel a friendly vibe for someone then don't assure it to others but be nice and compassionate instead. Especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, humanity is living in a very fragile state. The pressure and fear of losing loved ones, and loss their own lives has overshadowed all other goals. 

Now everyone tries to stay safe and secure and to spend time with the people who really mean something. At this time we all need to be truthful and follow our hearts but be conscious in telling others how we feel. As the emotional state of most of the people in affected areas is very sensitive. If you don't like or love someone then it is a humble request not to say it to that person. Here I can see many people who hate others and are not honest about their true feeling for others. 

Whether it is a deliberate effort or an unconscious state of expression varies with each individual. So, it is time to express our feeling for others as to how we feel, and don't let others be ruined with your words if you dislike them, or even when you don't feel any empathy or sympathy for them. Instead, just stay the way you are and let others move on with general friendship or social relationships. Isn't it a wise and more humanistic approach...??

Real Love Does Need Only Valentine Day to Showcase as How We Feel for Others..??

Real Love and Valentine Day
Real Love and Valentine Day

Love is an ambiance of life and this planet earth is surrounded and vibrated with the feeling of love. It was from the time Adam and Eve were in Paradise and then sent of Earth by God Almighty. It was the reason for the first human murder on this earth, and the feeling and emotion of love are not just subject to human beings but to every living creature whether they are animals, birds, plants, creeping species and it is in the air. The romance and attraction which you feel of different seasons, delights, luxuries, scenes and about your achievements. 

We as normal same human beings love others conditionally or unconditionally and the love of parents of their kids is unconditional and for a lifetime. The broth and sister love, for spouses, and the friendship, bonding, love for our nation, country, region, languages, food, culture, books, music, movies, games and much more is all around us. It is resonating in our souls with its full magnetic energy! So, we see that love is a far stretched on a greater framework than it is assumed and determined by the young generation who is al prone to movies, music, and romantic novels in this modern world

Romance is definitely a reality but not in every case. Sometimes we feel a strong urge to be with someone and to be loved and cared for by the person whom we love. It is a physical attraction for his or her facial beauty, bodily change, scholarly nature, or any other attribute. But at a later stage, we recognize or our experiences tell us that it was a timely crush or a desire to have someone, a tag that person with ourselves and it was never loved. It was the waste of time and a loss of self-esteem over which no one should ever compromise. 

I have heard and seen many cases where one partner is very much sincere in love and wants to go beyond boundaries for another one. But the latter person is just enjoying that supremacy that an altogether attention of someone can give. We see that many girls and boys fell in love with the wrong guys and face violence, physical and emotional abuses, and the other partner just abandoned them after filing his or her carnal desires. This is the main reason that true love needs expression but it is never ever subject to a single day. Our media and celebrities give ac wrong dimension with presenting their lovers, spouses, or anyone with red-colored balls, cakes, chocolates, and hugging or kissing on social media on 14th February, mans the Valentine Day. 

Actually, true love stays inside our souls and we want the beat and to serve our loved ones in different ways. True love is never exhibition in public but to a person for whom you have that special feeling. There is no need to put special messages, posts, stories on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, or WhatsApp. It is all showcased with your actions, words, the consolations, and compassion that you show off and on, and then it is subject to assure that every person, and at any moment in the whole year or every single day. So, the real love was and never will be subjected to be a shoutout on a single day mans Valentine's day on 14th February every year for sure. 

The New Normal Life after Pandemic Asks for Strong Behavioral Changes...!!

Life on Earth After COVID-19 Pandemic

Life has taken a total turnover after the arrival and widespread of the Covid-19 virus. We are living in a world where there are frequent variants of the same coronavirus, that keep on attacking our personal, social, cultural, financial, and psychological boundaries. The most important aspect of the current pandemic is that it has asked the world for new standards to be set as normal. Though many countries have given corona vaccination to their citizens that doesn't guarantee a Covid-19 free world. There are mutated versions of the same virus, and human beings have to live a restricted life. 

At such times of devastation and depression when there are often closures of markets, shopping malls, cinema houses, theatres, playgrounds, educational institutions. Now safe and normal journey with the same country or on an international tour has become more like a dream. The financial upheavals and the losses of jobs, salaries, whole breakdown of business infrastructure in many regions. Each individual needs to keep his or her nerves all strong. To me, the lifestyle is the world and in fact, the Earth requires us to live a life of a New Normal

Now human beings need to be much more compassionate to others, and the hatred and isolation must be over. Social distancing is already a need to safeguard one from getting infected by any other person. But the emotional distances must be cleared out now. We have to live in a world where there is more empathy and sympathy for ourselves as well as for others. There must be more care and time for our parents, spouses, brothers, and sisters as well as for kids. This pandemic has taught each human being one big lesson as to how important is to have a family and a very strong bonding with each other. 

When there is some infected person in any house then the other family members isolate but take care of him or her. Not the street people and the social connections come to pay visits, and to supply hot soups, fresh vegetables and prepare the nutritional food for you. It is how things work and it is actually in the genes of the humans that the mechanical race, and a way to fill in as much as possible material way things in our closets, banks, safes, and in our possession has come to an end. 

A person who is dying of a coronavirus severe attack causing pneumonia needs fresh oxygen, and the energy to inhale and exhale. It is a time that we should realize that these disasters and pandemics do not come without a Divine Purpose. It is an awakening call for every sane human being to stop all those differences, wars, crimes and to fear of one's own and close one's safety. It actually allows you to look for the best emotions to be expressed to your loved ones on time. To help others in difficult times, and to forget about old barriers, differences, revenge, hatred, seduction, rape, murder, robberies, corruption, lies, cheats, causing emotional and societal disturbances around us, and on a bigger spectrum in a world all around. 

Parizaad – An Epic Drama Serial that got Global Acclaim and A Rightful Applaud

Parizaad Drama of Hum TV is a Global Blockbuster
Parizaad and Annie  - Beautiful End of Drama Serial

While watching the finale mega episode of Parizaad yesterday. What was flashing in my mind with eyes all wet was not just the flashback that the director had shown before the presentation of the actual last episode. My flashback was a way different as I was recognizing bits and pieces of myself and of other people whom I have met in my life in the character of Parizad, and the many other characters, both in male and female ways. The writer Hashim Nadeem has written wonders with his hands, and his dialogues and poetry are a perfect online gift that people are sharing with their loved ones out of this blockbuster serial, and on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Twitter is trending for these two days, and in fact, from the time the last episode ofParizaad was premiered in local cinemas. The big-screen charm is there but Pakistan is a country where people are more engaged with television, and a replay over YouTube now. The last episode was handled with utmost care and the director’s aesthetics were seen with the drone shots and the swirling camera rounds of snowy mountains, and the roads, the valleys, and the hut where the old but determined "Urdu" teacher was living presentation was awesome and so was the acting by bot leads means Parizaad, played by now a household name “Ahmad Ali Akbar”, and the undoubted superstar of this era named “Yumna Zaidi”, who played the role of the sweet but intelligent blind “Annie”.

As we saw that Parizaad escaped all luxuries and that lonely and miserable life as a left out man after the departure of Annie for the United States. He went to the extreme North of Pakistan, which means Neelum Valley by chance, and became a headmaster’s guest by fate who was solely running a primary school. So, we saw a new twist as he started teaching there and then took over the charge as the great master was ill. It was a new horizon for Parizaad and gave him a new but brighter meaning of life.

The second last episode was ended at a close encounter with Annie, who could see but didn’t recognize Parishad. For the whole week, there was a discussion over social media as to how could she not find any picture of him, and she could have easily guessed him as per her handmade sculpture. In the last epic episode, the disclosure of Sharjeel (Annie’s cousin and secret lover) made it clear that the man who was ashamed of his below-average looks and his dark skin had smashed his statue, and was never interested in having his photos being shot. They both met at the school award ceremony where Sharjeel had come with Annie, as she is a reported working with a news channel. The whole meeting, dialogue, and the acting of Ahmad were superb.

As Parizaad, now known as Ahmad was forced by the topper student to present him with the winner prize, he had to come to dice, and the senior master asked him to say a few words. It was a heart-touching moment as he didn’t want Annie to recognize him by his voice. But he had to speak, and when it happened and we saw a smiling Annie turning into a shocked lady, and then recognizing who was in front of her. Here I cannot say how many words can define how beautiful and hearing touching was the performance and expression changeover by Yumna Zaidi. Hats off to you great performer of Pakistan of this decade….!!

The last scene was a delight to watch when both leads were shown on a hilltop, and where she came said many things, and Parizaad was all grieving in pain. When she closed her eyes and felt her ideal and love of life, Parizaad, it was a fantabulous job. Well-conceived presented but beautifully done by both actors. The high standard of drama was maintained, and viewers were more than moved to see the wows of Annie with tearful eyes, a sense of discovery of her lost treasure.

Yeah! Parizaad, despite his extreme self-pity, was loved by that blind sweet girl. It gives hope to the viewers that physical deformity or the skin, race, and features are not subject to the definition of a good soul versus a bad and unlikeable one. Some critics think as to why the director hadn’t followed the real end of the novel of Parizad. Where he died act made suicide. But I see it’s good that the end was changed to a happy one with elegance and grace. If Parizaad could are dead or done suicide then a very wrong message would have conveyed to millions of viewers that only charming and conventionally beautiful people have a right to live and find love. Which I would never agree upon. Brave Team Parizaad and to Hum Tv for giving us a delightful and eye-opening drama after Raqeeb Se…!!

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