Russia Ukraine War Is Leading to Chaos of World War 3 in Real...?

Ukraine Russia War - A Humanity Crises

The world is undergoing and watching a recent development that is not pleasant, and acceptable to any sane person. The post-pandemic times when we are all trying to recover from the internal and external damages that are done by the microscopic creature coronavirus. There is a dark shade of skies of Ukraine with an invasion by Russian forces. With missiles hitting civilian cities, and carpet bombing, as well as the land forces, are combatting, we have seen so much damage in the otherwise clean and highly developed cities of Ukraine. Why did it happen and where is the United Nations as this is a crisis for the whole of humanity

Here the question arises as there is a lot of damage has already been done. We have read and heard that the United States and European Union were given a back to the government of Ukraine that they will come forward to help in solving, and to protect the Ukrainian assets and its public. But none of the countries has a strong stance except that Russia's foreign assets are frozen in some of the major countries like America and France. The actual reason to write this blog is to highlight the fact that every war is a human crisis. 

Each innocent man, woman, or child if killed in Kyiv of Ukraine is as precious as the ones who were killed in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Gaza, Myanmar, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Afghanistan, African Countries, and at every place. Humanity is at crisis whenever a massacre, genocide, and declared or non-declared war is imposed on people who have nothing to do with local or global politics. life is full of struggle and difficult to pass, and with the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is worsened as many people around the globe are striving for a two-time meal. 

Here at this stage, when we hear about Russia, having the biggest stock of nuclear weapons in the world, and a big country has actually attacked the neighboring state of Ukraine. I was part of the great Soviet Union or USSR till the end of the 1980s. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of many affiliated states, there emerged an independent and sovereign state of Ukraine. So, there was no need to go against war with anyone, and if there were political or geographical disputes then it could have been solved over the table talks.

Unfortunately, the world and United Nations again failed to stop two countries from the collision as a war, and there are no bigger steps being taken to let the heads of both countries have mutual discussions and ceasefires. So, the chaos is getting deeper and stronger, and there is a voice very clearly heard from different corners of the world. On print, electronic and social media that it the beginning of World War 3. As there are nuclear weapons in both countries at war, and with their natural allies and enemies. 

The bone-chilling concept of arise of the third world war is too grave. It means that human beings are digging their own grave as this time it won't be like World War 1 and the World War 2, which also took millions of lives, and the whole world order was changed, especially by the second world war. The Third World War would mean the end of modern civilians, industries, billions of deaths or severe injuries, and strange diseases. 

A loss of peace at all, and a polluted environment where there will be no crops and fruits to be grown if only one country will use the slight challenge of a nuclear arsenal. It won't be the conventional war, and then the missiles, bombs, war deterrents are so powerful and developed that there will be collateral damage everywhere. It would mean that the human beings would have done a collective suicide, and that won't be a usual war which is already been fought in different regions. If still the great minds of the world are not concerned and don't take the Russia and Ukraine war seriously then it means somehow mankind is moving towards the end of the world as a subconscious flow inside out...!!

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