Will the World See an Old Normal as a Part of Routine Life..!!

Post-pandemic Worlds and Human Stress Factor

The most important thing in any human being’s life is to look for the greater good in life. The world was free to move, learn, excel to be social, and have intellectual growth. The Covid-19 has changed the whole world psyche, and that too with confinement and being on the brink of nervous shattering lockdowns. The World is fast emerging with remote assistance, work from home, and the new life pattern is inhaling the whole world with negativity, stress, depression, and anxiety. Fear of the unknown is all out in the heart, minds, and souls of individuals. That’s why we see lots of people getting frustrated and you hardly find people with peaceful facial expressions.

Whether it is subject to the financial crises that are caused by lots of people who were earning through daily wages. There were lots of occupations that required daily work and income generation. The restrictions and impositions have stopped the fiscal cycle, and at the same time, this pandemic has separated humans from others in a different way. Firstly, we used to look at the breakup of the family system in the west, and now we see that people are fearful of each other as they might not catch the infection virus.

Most of the world is facing the same situation and it has ruled out the first world countries with extra luxuries and the concept of welfare states. Now everyone is fighting the battle of life on an individual basis. We see sudden closure of flights to multiple countries. Though Covid-19 Vaccination has been done very rapidly in 2021, the process is continually going on. But the virus mutation is so strong that it is on a constant evolution. So, life is quite struck, and in third world countries, it has damaged the already not so good education system. Online teaching and learning programs are not as much developed as in rich countries. Everybody cannot afford smart gadgets like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Many people are deprived of internet connection.

So, the major aspect of life is to get on a verge of better living and to find a stable lifestyle. Here it is very important for each individual to remain hopeful, and to grab the strong pillar of faith for all the right reasons. The vaccination process is not preventive but can secure a person as per assumption. So, the world needs to be more soft, compassionate, and patient towards fellow human beings. At the same time, a strong belief in the afterlife and doing good deeds as an investment for having a place in paradise will change the human perception and will add to the optimism.

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