Love is Not Subject to Feeling and True Emotions Anymore...!!

Love and Lust in Modern World
Love in the Present World

Yeah! When I say it then there is a real logic and a hidden identity of modern life. Bygone are the days when there were talks of Platonic Love in literature, and in reality. now, you can't think of loving any other person if you don't feel him or her with touch, words, and much more. That's what we see in modern cinema as a matter of fact as well. The way the norms of the world have changed over the last century. The First World War and the Second World War were the reason for social, economical, cultural, and psychological changes that were so drastic and out of anyone's control. 

The emotional upheaval that was the aftermath of not just the world wars but the whole 20th century is full of a history of wars among countries, regions, racism, genocide, massacres, and violence. The 21st century inherited the inventions and discoveries of the 20th century along with the emotional breakup. The family system is almost on a verge of collapse in Europe, North America, and other Russia for instance. Young kids and teenagers have to move out of their cozy homes, to earn their bread and butter or to pay the rentals and their educational expenses. 

So, Generation X, or the digital one where we have seen the emergence of smart devices, distant video callings, global outreach, and social media as a new giant has snatched the moments of happiness, togetherness, and love that was between people. We want others when we feel lonely, and cannot give our shoulders to others when they desperately want us. It has strangely injected a desire to feel that moment and the person with all his or her personification. The result is the temporary physical relationship or sex that is bound to diminish as it was a need, not a desire, and not fulfilled in a civilized manner. 

The animal instinct is here and the modern-day media, movies, music, and social media posts and engagements are leading to such lustful desires. To crave for the sole purpose of fulfillment of carnal desires, without a longing to love for a lifetime. We see unusual and unmatched relationships and the world of tattoos where people love to disfigure their beautifully formed body organs by a Divine Rule. When this intervention leads to a rebellion then nothing pure and good can be sprouted out. 

So, it is need of the hour and a resolution in post-pandemic days to form strong family bonds, refresh and relive moments with our blood relations. To reinforce our friendships and harmonize with nature. To put our efforts into nurturing beautiful and longer-lasting relationships. To discourage negativity, hatred, violence, and greed amongst us. 

When the human relationship is not based on lust and greed but on a pure basis of love, and a desire to let others feel better in their lives then this world can really become a heaven-like place. Yeah! it is a mortal world and we are all going to diminish one day but we can create a positive impact in our societies and the whole world that can be long remembered and followed upon by others.

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