Post-pandemic Days and the Humanity in Crises as the World has Changed..!!

Covid-1-, Pandemic, Coronavirus, Life, World
Coronavirus, Life and World

The world has changed into an unimaginable change due to the sudden fall of pandemics like Covid-19 that is stretching for almost two years. There are so many variants of coronavirus that emerge from one country to the whole world. As it is the end of 2021 and the world was praying and looking for a pandemic-free 2022, and to move on in life. But the celebrations of New Year and Holidays have been faded away with the arrival and sudden spread of a new corona variant named "Omicron". Yeah! now we see that many European countries, South Africa, Middle Eastern Countries along with North America as well as South America are again under many restrictions. Many flight schedules have been canceled, and again cinema, big malls, and theme parks along with tourist destinations have gone for closure. 

It is not an easy thing to survive in this world that is already losing its moral and ethical values. Where it is becoming so difficult to earn bread and butter for a single day with ease, especially in third world countries. The closure of businesses, lockdowns, unemployment, and lots of other compromises like kids' education, and many more have made people pessimistic, depressed, and losing hope. The best thing for any person out here is to survive against all odds and to live a normal life. 

Here, we see a definite flight of faith and those with a proper and pure understanding of the momentary pleasures of this mortal world. The ones who strongly believe in the Omnipresent God Almighty, and His Divine Plans are still at peace. We see in this Covid-19 case that the mortality rate was definitely high but the fear of getting infected was the one that has overcome humans. Everyone has become untouchable, but on a strange note, the crime ratio has risen to a great height. People haven't stopped looting, cheating, and doing murders, rape, and victimization of those who are weak. It is a phenomenon of the whole world, and we are still seeing wars and leaders lying to their nations without a fear of dying another day. If there was a misconception that some people are going to live long. 

But the current reality has disclosed to the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone that NO. Anyone, who catches Covid, and it gets worsened can die in a day. Isn't it proving that the mortals are so fragile then why so much fuss over this mortal world, and over lands, properties, and other material objects that may remain but we will be all gone like the old Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Samurais, Vikings, and many more civilizations? It is time for everyone to ponder over the reality of fragile life, and then to think of humanity from a large perspective. To help others in distress, and to be the ones who can heal the souls and not the ones who play or give wounds to others. I wish and pray that post-pandemic days will be clear, shing, and compassionate for the humanity, world, and for every living creature in a real way. 

Jo Bichar Gaye - An Epic Presentation of Geo TV on the Tragedy of East Pakistan turning into Bangladesh!

Jo Bichar Gaye - GEO TV Presentation

The fall of Dhaka and the emergence of Bangladesh out of East Pakistan was the second biggest tragedy in the history of Pakistan after the mass genocide at the time of foundation in 1947. The tragedy of losing our great part was always a matter of depressive thoughts and of living with a visual dream of being in Dhaka and getting affiliated with our Bengali-born Muslim brothers and sisters. The war of 1971and the surrender of 92000 Pakistani soldiers was the last outcome but there were so many conspiracies and theories that revolved around people and organizations who wanted to separate East Pakistan from West Pakistan, as a matter of ego, hate-mongering among common people in East Pakistan. 

All such characters were foreign and in fact enemy funded, and the presence and provocation of "Mukti Bahni" as a separatist movement are more like with Balochistan Liberation Army. The role of India is to ignite the fire of hat, of letting the people of East Pakistan with a feeling of being neglected. A false tale of showcasing West Pakistan and Punjab people are the oppressors. It has a bitter history, and unfortunately, nobody in Pakistan in the government or private sector tried to present the ground realities. How Agartala Conspiracy occurred, and why Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman came with his six points. In what conditions the 1970 elections in both parts of Pakistan were held. 

Jo Bichar Gaye gives a very insightful audio-visual experience of what happened at the back of everything. How to paid puppets from within Muslims, Bengalis, and East Pakistan were floated to destroy two-nation theory and to conclude with a concept deeply engraved in Bengali people that their true liberation would only be possible if East Pakistan would turn into Bangladesh, and be free from Pakistan. How young minds were influenced and the people who disagree with the core concept or the ones who were from West Pakistan were massacred, tortured, and bullied in streets, educational institutions, and at every place in Dhaka, Chittagong, and rest of places. The Geo TV presentation "Jo Bichar Gaye" is a masterpiece in its own way. 

Firstly, our young generation can see the real stories of what, where, and how the conspiracy of independence of Bangladesh was developed. How India played its part to actually destroy Pakistan, and how the Pakistan Peoples Party under the leadership of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and Pakistan Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman were the real game players and traitors of Pakistan in disguise. Bhutto, in fact, wanted to rule over West Pakistan and had no concern or emotional bonding to keep East Pakistan intact. likewise, Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman had the same sentiments and interests towards his own rulership and concept of independence. 

 The characters are well crafted and the production and direction value is superb. We cannot ignore the actions of Wahaj Ali, Maya Ali, Nadia Jamil, the new captain. It is with the best practice that the audience has engaged very well with the drama that is a piece of history, and in fact, doesn't carry that typical and glamorous value. The direction is great, and so are the choices of shooting times, the corridors of GCU as a presentation of Dhaka University, and then it really involves us as viewers into knowing what is more there. We feel the sadness, depression, and anxiety of that era, and what was there happening in Dhaka. We also see a glimpse of General Yahaya's role, and that of others and look forward to seeing an epic drama that will be presented to young minds as a case study of the tragedy of separation of East Pakistan, and of the formation of Bangladesh...!!

Being Optimistic and Staying Motivated is the Solution to Your Inward Peace..!!

Sometimes we feel so hollow inside that we cannot relate to anything joyous, and even the connection with others and getting their compassion and empathy becomes so difficult. It is really important to have some sort of catharsis or flow of emotions and feelings by everyone. I am not the one who claims to be the only person in the tyranny of existence. But, I am no more inclined to work on modifying my thoughts about life in this middle age. Life is a strange maze where you are puzzled and may get to your desired destination by luck, chance, or maybe with hard works. 

Motivation and Optimistic Approach
Optimism and Motivation

Others only try and they keep one thing alive and that is faith and hope. It is sufficient for one person to stay all that strong and optimistic. But, is it wrong if I say that I am a failure, a person with so many issues in my mind and personality that are hard to be resolved. I feel like having enough of what is called motivation, and a way to keep yourself calm down that best will come. It comes for many but we lose the chances of living and of survival without any guilts and regrets. Sometimes, it is the lost time, age and at other times falling in love with wrong things and with people who use you like tissue paper, and throw you out as like never before. 

Once, I thought that I can survive the odds only if I make my nerves strong. Do the NLP, meditate, go to a counselor and tell everything about myself. To ask that other guy to evaluate the flaws in my personality, and how to overcome those ones. Now there is a real reality as if you have money, fortune, fame then you get everybody's attention. You will be respected by your housemates, social and professional mates and by the whole society. Nobody will be bothered by how absurd you were and disrespectful you were with them. Only if you have power and money with definite confidence. It comes as a perk of being rich and famous. Yeah! It is too good to be true but it is a reality. 

I am not sad as all my current happening is due to my own fault, and the Divine Plans always change when you are sinful, indulged in filthy activities, and cannot resist the temptations of this mortal life. So, you have to pay the consequences and that's what I feel is happening to me. Being patient to look for the rewards of life, and then the urge to keep on looking for a better lifestyle, and then having a better life, and that too for a better reason to live. I will do that and will surely ask you to never lose hope and confidence and to live a better way of course. 

Sinf e Ahan - An Umera Ahmed Promising Drama for ISPR and ARY Digital..!!

Sinf e Ahan, Drama Seiral, ISPR, Umera Ahmad, Humayun Saeed, Pakistan Drama
Sinf e Ahan - Umera Ahamd Drama

Sinf e Ahan is one of the most promising new startups on AR Digital. It's a drama serial from the production house of Humayun Saeed and Nadeem Baig. He is a person who has generated masterpieces for Pakistani television and films, and mostly in collaboration with Humayun Saeed's production house. The most important thing about the play is that it is a joint venture with ISPR, and written by one of the most acclaimed young fiction writers slots of modern Urdu Literature named "Umera Ahmad". The drama serial is a narrative of six strong and brave girls from different backgrounds who are passionate to serve in the Pakistan Army in their respective fields of study. 

These young women have currently gathered at the Gujranwala Base for the ISSB examination and tests. It is must pass thing to be a part of the armed forces as an office. They have to go through many psychological, written, IQ, EQ, and then physical tests to prove themselves worthy of being a part of such a prestigious and disciplined institute. They are from different background and some of the remote area girls like one from Balochistan, played beautifully by "Ramsha Khan" has to break her tribal norms to be part of the Pakistan Army and pursue a career despite being a fragile girl. Then we see the Pashtun tribal girl named "Shaista", played in a great way as always we expect from Yumna Zaidi. Their family conflicts and their own dilemmas don't leave them from being a part of a test that would decide their future career and life path. 

Umera Ahmad has written each character in full length with its own specifications. We see an ex-army officer's daughter "Sajal Ali", who had topped the university in Electrical Engineering but was unable to find a good job, scholarship for further studies, and not even a good marriage match. Her brother is already a high-ranked SSG commando in Army. But she is equally confused and afraid of the test as the army connection won't work. Her ego asks her to be on top there as she had always been a topper. Then we see "Kubra Khan", a spoilt brat from an extremely rich family where her parents never had a good marital relationship, and it has affected her so badly on her personality and brought up. She is a licensed lawyer but suddenly gets a passion to join the army and be like her role model "First Lady General - Ms. Nigar". A legend but somehow her way to lead into the army as well. 

The important aspect of their lives and personalities tests are unfolded when they had joined all in one place to spend and participate in the test together. Here we see an old conflict is there between Sajal Ali and Kubra Khan, once the close friends and now the rivals, and the way turned towards the marriage proposal being rejected by the later. The reason was that Sajal wanted to knot of her beloved brother with her friend Kubra Khan. How it will unfold will be seen later. There is a Christian Girl, played by Syra Yusuf , and she is from a minority community and a poor family as well. She is teaching English Language and literature at someplace and wants hard to have a better life for herself and for her family as well. Her boyfriend who is a complete flirt is there to work against her desire to join Pakistan Army. 

The storyline of the drama serial seems promising, and then it is good that the girls are not just girls but mature young women who have completed higher education and are already on a verge of finding their independent career paths and names. Umera Ahmad is doing justice to the story, dialogue and to present her feminist approach that women can be storng like iron. The name of the drama serial "Sinf e Ahan" means the iron gender. This means the perception of the girls about themselves, and of the society is changing as they will be having a tough training at Kakul Academy, and then a hardcore life. They have to leave their luxuries, and their families need to liberate them from the age-old strong taboos that women are raised to get married, produce and raise kids and that is all. Here we see many supportive men in the shape of fathers, brothers, fiancĂ©e, and many are reluctant and fearful of the freedom of their ladies. 

The drama serial seems promising and it is focused on the main objective, to encourage the young women of Pakistan for joining the armed forces in different cores. Then it is definitely written in a good manner and the presentation so far is quite good with good scenic displays and actions being done. Nadeem Baig is doing a good job. Hope this presentation by ISPR is not at all disappointing like "Ehd e Wafa", despite being popular it didn't serve the objective well. A great audio-visual display and we want to see more of it, and it's the first gain of any drama or film in the right manner. 

Parizaad and Annie Meetup is Heart-Warming and Splendid Audiovisual Presentation!

Parizaad, a drama on Hashim nadeem Syed Novel
Parizaad and Annie Sweet Match

The drama serial "Parizaad", currently a talking buzz of the town is getting more intense with every new episode. Usually, we have seen a case in vice versa in recent times with "Hum Kahan Ke Shae Thy", losing interest in the audience due to so many directorial flaws and lingering of a small storyline. Then we have seen this happen with "Khuda Aur Mohabbat 3", though Iqra Azia and Feroze Khan along with ace actors performed great it lost a great interest by the time it was ended. But it is not the case with Parizaad. With each passing episode we want to know what will come next, and how he will deal with something new in his dramatic life. 

Hats off to the great performance by Ahmad Ali Akbar aka Parizaad, I guess he was never recognized being so toxically great performer. He has done justice to the complex role of Parizaad which is beautifully written or a literary creation of "Hashim Nadeem Syed". The most recent episode carries a great meetup of Annie with Parizaad. Though they were connected on phone, and Parizaad asked Annie, Yuman Zaidi, not to meet him after her request to form a sculpture of him in the last week's episode. Then she came to his office despite his shut-up call, and for the very first time, he reacted so bluntly and in a way brutally with words. He asked her to get out of his office as she was doing the highest level of mockery with an asking of sculpture of an ugly man like him. 

But when she got up and he saw the white stick and came to a reality check that she was blind then he was all into an apology. He was not able to understand how he could have done so much injustice to a blind and innocent girl, without trying a little bit to know about her reality. His regret and guilt have taken him to her home where he got a chance to meet her educated, modest, and very intelligent, and nice lady. Who treated her in such a nice way and without keeping in mind that he is the richest man in the whole town. Annie is sweet, chirpy and in fact, brings in color for the very first time in Parizaad's life. Now, he respects her that she is not in logging for his wealth, power, social status and only likes him due to his poetry and his inner personality, as she cannot focus on his outward appearance. 

We see him amused at the chat on the phone where she tells him that her mother said that she disturbs him, and his courtesy asks him not to stop her. He feels and enjoys and talks like a normal naughty way of a boy for the very first time, and showed agreement with Annie's mother. When she threatened to cut down her call, and he doesn't stop her but asked her to remember him some days. It was all awesome, and so gentle and sweet. Parizaad definitely deserves a lover and a life partner like Qurat ul Ain (Annie), not the hypocrite and selfish "Naheed", who has finally reached his lavish home and has in fact presented herself to him on the plate. But, it's his greatness and his pure soul that he showed all courtesy, and refused him, keeping her dignity alive. 

Parizaad told thee that she hadn't come for that same poor, ugly but passionate lover who used to stay out of her home for the whole day, for a chance to see her. But it's a delight for her younger sister, Kanwal, who currently works at his office. She felt that Parizaad is a man of honor and she started to doubt when he accepted the meeting request of Naheed so easily. We as viewers are also convinced that a thorough gentleman ad a pure soul like Parizaad deserves sweet and loving Annie, and not the Naheed, who is so easily ready to ditch her husband Amjad for the sake of money and status of Parizaad, at present times. Another delightful episode ended with many significant messages and dialogues that really touched our hearts, minds, and souls for sure. Let's see what comes next in this epic dram serial of 2021 by Hum Television Network. 

Nawaz Sharif Grandson - Junaid Safdar Wedding is a Show of Wealth and Exploitation of Public Sentiments..!!

Maryam Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan, Asif Ali Zardari Wealth
Junaid Safdar Wedding - Maryam Nawaz Sharif Son

The world is full of rich and famous people and it is also very strange when we talk about Pakistan that here all politicians are very rich. Normal people and middle-class people cannot even think of being contestants in the general elections, at the provincial or national level. Unfortunately, we as a nation suffer from the burden of corruption, money laundering, black money, underhand deals, and the kickbacks that these politicians take at each step in their political careers. Firstly, after the sad demise of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, just after a year of the foundation of Pakistan was the biggest tragedy. Then his allies and the people who took over the rulership were all feudal, landlords, and years and decades.

It has produced a business mixed breed of politicians who were not originally rich and famous. But, somehow they got closer to the rulers, gained high public positions and then built their own business empires. Nawaz Sharif, Asif Ali Zardari, Pervez Elahi, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Jahangir Tareen, Zulfi Bukhari, Sheikh Rasheed, Humayun Akhtar, Fawad Chauodhry, Umsan Dar, Shafqat Mehmood, Murad Raas, Qaim Ali Shah, Bugit, Mazari, Mari Clans, Pervez Khatak, Chaudhry Nisar, Yousuf Raza Gillani and lots more can be mentioned in a continuous row. They are ruling or have ruled over us. 

Nawaz Sharif, a three-time prime minister was the last put down from his position due to his offshore companies and money laundering case exposed in Panama Papers in 2016. He was put down and his predecessor Shahid Khaqan Abbasi became the prime minister. It is not time repeat to repeat the historical facts. But, the strangest things that we have seen are firstly the extra lavish wedding of Bakhtawar Bhutto, a daughter of late prime minister, Benazir Bhutto and former president Asif Ali Zardari, still under trials for many corruption cases but the wedding could even put the billionaires around the world in awe. 

Now, the nation is observing the so-called private wedding ceremony of the same Nawaz Sharif's grandson "Junaid Safdar", and a son of "Maryam Nawaz Sharif", of course, an established predecessor of him in Pakistani politics now. The ravish nikah ceremony pictures and videos were firstly seen in London, and now in Islamabad. Now, the wedding week is going on with Qawalis, Mehndi, Mayun, Barat, Walima, Musical nights and who knows whatsoever. Even if they wanted to spend a lot of money on the wedding as their social and legal right. Why there is so much showcase of wealth, and then all moments are shared on mainstream media and social media of Pakistan. 

Junaid Safdar, a young handsome boy has every right to enjoy his best moments with politicians but all these politicians call themselves "public servants", and then why they don't hide out their exhibition of wealth from the general public. Imran Khan, who was a vocal if civil rights and wanted to make a welfare state, and has ended up giving the highest rate of inflation, unemployment, and corruption in the country. Why the deprived nation is made to get into more of an inferiority complex, by the unnecessary show of wealth and glory. 

If they cannot solve the problems of the Pakistani nation then they can get out of special jet planes and helicopters and can refrain themselves from the showcase of their wealth, regardless of if it is whole or black money. It is up to them as they cannot live a normal life, and the lust to showcase their wealth and style is so much on their nerves then they can at least keep it to their own families and social circle. They can avoid media and social media buzz, for the sake of keeping their sanity and can respect their existing underprivileged lives with a stop-over exhibition of everything. Guys! do you really agree with my opinion? Please let me know about it with your kind comments. Thank you...!! 

Money Heist - A Netflix Sensation that Took the Audience with an Awe at the End..!!

Money Heist  - A Sensational Presentation of Netflix

Money Heist, a Spanish originated drama season on more of the most popular online portal of entertainment named Netflix. Yeah, this crime and thriller oriented drama ruled the audience hearts and minds with five seasons. Recently, it has ended with a dramatic end that has left the audience in awe, and the last piece of paper which was folded and handed over is the topic of discussion over mainstream media, and social media as well. The story revolves around a genius person called "Professor". So, he had a plan in mind to capture and print millions of Euros, with having hostages of dozens of people in the National Coinage and Stamp Factory of Spain. 

The mysterious professor was accompanied by eight robbers who were professionals and carried extraordinary skills. For all the previous seasons, the drama was executed and presented at the same place. But the captivating situations and there is no way out to escape, and the mysterious happenings are the crux of the whole drama seasons. The end happened in the December 2021, and the discussion has raised instead if decline. The fifth and last season of Money Heist has been rated at 9.9 out of 10 on IMDB. Here, we cannot keep the great remarks and ratings of Rotten Tomatoes behind , and the Netflix has earned a great business out of the recent exclusive presentation. 

The pandemic times have also been a very positive factor in the boost of these online mediums of entertainment in the whole world. The cinemas remained completely close for almost two years. So, the production houses which had many movies to exhibit made contracts with NetFlix, Amazon Prime, Disney, Hulu, and many more in the entire world. At the same time, the season phenomenon has raised to a great height within this last decade. It is very easy for audiences with such hi-tech LEDs that are almost of the theatrical sizes, with woofer digital sounds to enjoy all great things from past and present, in their cozy living rooms or bedrooms. 

The Spartacus created a buzz around  decade ago when people got a chance to look at the Roman epic of the pagan era. The gladiators and the slavery as well as the fights and romances were visually very much magnetic for the television audience. The the Game of Thrones had from United Kingdom, again a historical drama on the British history ruled the television, and at the same time House of Cards. Importantly, the online or television audience like everything which is executed properly with best storyline, screenplay, dialogues , action, thriller and drama as well as the direction or production. That's why Dirilius Ertugral from Turkey made a history on television with it five seasons, and being on top for many years in viewership. 

Currently, Money Heist has made a history along with another distinguished piece from visual arts from Turksih Histroy, Kulurus Osman. Yeah! that is also getting lot of attention and rave reviews along with Barbarosa, with Engin Altan from Turkey as well. So, it is proved that anything good and with an impactful presentation will make its own place in the hearts and minds of television audience. Interestingly, Money Heist has been equally popular in subcontinent. There are lots of viewers in Pakistan who have watched it and still watching it. India has dubbed the drama seasons into Hindi, and its also very popular. Let's wait for something exciting that is awaiting to surprise the audience once again in the year of 2022....!!

Mehreen Got a Proof of Being Innocent but at the Cost of Losing her Sanity in Hum Kahan Ke Sache Thy!

Mahira Khan - Now Deserves a Relief

The latest episode of the famous drama serial of the current times named "Hum Kahan Ke Sache Thy" was wonderful as the truth was revealed to Aswad finally. It has crushed him and let him fall in such a great guilt that he is suffering the aftermath. Now, he is recalling all discussions and situations with a new psyche, and understand can now reenact the actual truth by himself. But it too late, he had tortured and dealt so brutally with Mehreen, the role was played by famous and legendry actress Mahira Khan. She being Mehreen has a nervous breakdown and is also facing the Schizophrenia, all due to mental torture that Aswad (Usman Mujhtar) gave him in the drama. 

Mehreen was a very disturbed child who had seen her father's failure from grace, and then his suicide and dead body in her childhood. She had faced the crises of her mother being remarried, and she was forced to live at her maternal uncle, aunt, their daughter Mashal, and the equally annoying and hate mongering grandmother. She was raised in a very negative and hateful environment, and a place where her only freedom was to sketch, paint, write her diaries and to participate in extra-curricular activities at her school, college and then university. For which the Kubra Khan, a known actress who played the role of Mashal was always jealous. There was a clear fault of her parents to keep on comparing her with the talents of Mehreen. 

Mehreen faced the consequences of being always a bully of circumstances. The taunts of the deeds of her father that she as a child knew nothing about. Mashal in her hate and revenged of being engaged with Aswad, tried to kill Mehreen as the final truth was revealed by the maid of the house named Shabbo. What a tragedy, Mehreen faced her whole life as a neglected child, a miserable life of intolerance, degradation, embarrassment, neglected, and hated by everyone except her aunt Saleha, who is a mother of Aswad. But her turmoil didn't end after marriage with Aswad, as he proved to be the biggest monster of her life. One, who has taken her to the corridors of insanity, madness, schizophrenia and gave her such torture for the crimes that she had never committed. 

Alas! No use as she has already lost her nerves and trust of life and people. It is really going to be all that great in a way. What's the use of being in guilt when he as a sane and mature man had so much of chances to talk to investigate the truth long before the breakdown of Mehreen. But, somehow it is a reality of life that we always try to put pressure on those whom we feel weak in front of us. The readers of the novel are quite disappointed by the audio-visual presentation of an otherwise very intellectual and beautiful story that was written years back by Umera Ahmad. But somehow the drama is moving towards end, and the tale is unwinding and folding in a better way now. Let's see as if the director follows the end of the actual story or make a change as a part of cinematic license...!! 

Even Mahira Khan with a Powerful Performance Couldn't Save Hum Kahan ke Sahce Thy from a Flop..!!

Hum Kahan Ke Sahe Thy - An Honest Review

Mahira Khan has impressed me for the very first time with her acting in the currently running drama serial on Hum Television network named "Hum Kahan ke Sache Thy". This means, we were not truthful as the world. It is a metaphorical use of a quotation that leads us to know our very own flaws and in-depth lies that make us successful in the outer world. But it is like a termite that swallows our souls from inside. The paly is produced on the famous short novel by great fiction writer of current times in Urdu Literature named "Umera Ahmad". She is renowned for her literary contibutions like  Meri Zaat Zara e Be Nishan, Man o Slawa, Peer e Kaamil, Aab e Hayat, Shehr e Zaat, Alif, Hum Kahan k Sahe Thy, Daam, SInf e Ahan and lots more to her credit. 

Interestingly, all these writeups are adapted and famous drama serials have already been made. But the " Hum Kahan ke Sache Thy" is a bit different as is an insight into human behaviors and psychology, and a lesson to let people know as to how their behaviors and tongue can affect the entire life and personality of a kid in his or her growing years. The drama serial is currently on air every Sunday, at a prime time of 8 pm in Hum TV Entertainment, and the roles of "Mehreen" are very well-played by Mahira Khan, an international name of fame from Pakistan. The role of "Mashal", a very twisted one is also greatly done by Kubra Khan, a comparatively new sensation who has mesmerized the television and film audience with her beauty and performance. Another major character of the story is "Aswad", and it is plainly done by "Usman Mukhtar". 

Overall the credit to actors in lead and character roles must be given as everyone is doing justice to what is expected. But there are strong directorial flaws in the drama. Firstly, the story as in the novel is short and the drama is lingered on unnecessarily. There is too much emphasis on melodrama and the background score. By the way, it is a great soundtrack but there is no need to keep on playing it so loud in the whole drama. Then the flashbacks and the mismatched presentation of various characters have destroyed the impact that the novel readers carried in their minds. 

How adults behave and talk with putting self-censorship to their thoughts and tongues. Actually, it is spoiling and destroys the growth of young kids. Filling them with unnecessary venom against their own family members. How comparisons, jealousy, and hatred make people full of flaws as adults and responsible citizens. Despite the great acting by Mahira Khan, the drama has lost its initial boost as the audience is too disappointed by the much lingered on presentation, and there are many episodes where simply nothing new happens at all. 

The dialogues are not that powerful like Khali ur Rehman Qamar plays, even if he has a simple story to tell to the readers and audiences. The character of Mashal was not properly visualized, as to how and why she was so much in hatred towards Mehreen by the continuous comparisons. How Mehreen is deprived of every good thing is not presented properly, just because her father died and mother had a second marriage. She was dependent on her grandmother, uncle, and aunt for being brought up. It is interesting to point out, as her aunt Selaha always felt so much sympathy for Mehreen. Why she hadn't taken the girl to her home when her only son even lived in the United States. 

It could be a blockbuster and an intellectual asset of Hum TV, if the storyline was properly perceived and executed by the director "Farooq Rind" and his producer. Parizaad is also an adaptation of a novel but see how it is ruling the hearts, minds of not just the public but of critics from Pakistan and abroad. Proper execution can make a masterpiece like Money Heist, and a spoiler like Hum Kahan ke Sache Thy. That's sad as how a writer can compromise her beautiful words presentation in literature for the sake of just money...!! 

Dirilis Ertugral has Introduced Turkish History and about the Upstart of Ottoman Empire...!!

Dirilis Ertugral -A Turkish Drama

Dirillls Ertugural is a name of fame that nobody in the present world knows about the character or of the drama serial that carries five seasons. The Resurrection Ertugral is  available in on Netflix, and lots of other online forums including the famous YouTube. Ertugral is a character from the Turkish history, and a person who was the actual seed of the great Ottoman Empire that lasted for almost six centuries in three major continents including Asia, Europe and Africa. The modern Turkey is just a small part of the whole empire that carried the entire Middle East, Iran, Central Asia States, Eastern Part of Europe, and Egypt, Morocco, Ethiopia, Nigeria and other parts of African land. 

It was after the first world war that ended in 1916, and resulted in the breakdown of Turkey, and there emerged so many Arab states including Saudi Arabia and rest of Middle Eastern countries. It is a brave step by the present Turkish government that is headed by the prime minister Tayyep Erdogen. The serial was aired on the national television of Turkey, TRT and then it broke all records of any season on aired in the entire world. It took a little time for even Turkish nation, to recognize their own history and they had been kept away from it more than seventy five years under the law of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk. 

The young generation of Turkey was so influenced by Dirillius Ertugural that a drama season is on air in Turkey on the real predecessor of Ertugral, named Kurlus Osman. It was on his name that the great Usmani Khilafat or the Ottoman Empire. The serial of Ertugral was aired in Turkey for almost five years, and by that time it was seen by millions of people outside Turkey. It was dubbed into different languages and subtitled as well. Currently, it is running on the national television of Pakistan - PTV for almost one and half year. It has raised the audience and revived their interest in the national television. Here in Pakistan, it is dubbed in Urdu language with a name of "Ertugral Ghazi". 

The storyline, direction, production quality, acting by all major characters, dialogues and the way it is executed matches the masterpieces of Hollywood action thriller and epic movies. But, the passion and craving to look for more exceeds even Hollywood, Bollywood or any other European or Iranian cinema for sure. Engin Altan, a man who played the lead role of Ertugral Ghazi is a household hero in Pakistan, along with his friends and closer companions Turgut and Bamsi. The historical mention of beauty of  real Halima Sultan, who was a Suljuk princess and married in love to Ertugral was well played by Esra Belgic. 

The era presented in the Dirillius Ertugral was a time when the Chengiz Khan - the Mongols were invading the Muslim states with full force. There were Christians who were equally busy in destroying the Suljuk, Ayubi and other Islamic states that existed in the 13th century AD. There history tells a little about Ertugral but the folklore, and the mentions in historical documents of Turkish dynasty tells more about him. The director took a liberty and added many historical characters on Turkey, and added them into the drama serial. 

The unprecedented success and recognition of the serial has proved one thing for sure. If a good product is launched for the purpose of intellectual growth, telling the forgotten tales of history and to relive those epic times then language will not be a barrier. Nor will there be a barrier caused by a presence of famous celebrities' and rest of things. The original soundtrack, background scores and many things have become ringtones of the mobiles, products with Kayi Tribe's logo is printed on many things of daily use. YouTube is full of different chunks from the serial, memes and lots more to offer. it keeps on growing and it is still one of the top-rated seasons on Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and other online spaces. 

Ishq e Laa - A Subtle and Genuine Display of Intellect and a Drama around Journey towards Divine Love

Ishq e Laa - A Hum TV Drama

A new drama serial that is swiftly and sweetly making space and special place in the hearts of the audiences is a Hum TV Network presentation "IshqeLaa". There are so many unique features to this sweet drama serial. First, there is present a world-class performer Yumna Zaidi in the serial that ensures that the storyline, acting, and dialogue delivery must not be compromised. Secondly, there is Sajal Aly, a renowned young actress of the current times. Her beauty and acting skills are admired by many fans. Though on a frank note, she looks too dull and monotonous. People make a comparison that actually doesn't exist as it is one-sided game in the favor of Yumna Zaidi for all the right reasons. 

The drama serial has another attribute of being the acting debut of Azan Sami Khan, a great musician, singer and now an actor. He is a son of a gorgeous veteran actress, Zeba Bakhtiar, and of Adan Sami Khan, a renowned singer and music composer who denounced Pakistani nationality in the favor of adopting the Indian one. He is doing quite well as a first time performance, keeping all attributes of a charming and chocolate hero in his personality. The concept of Ishq e Laa is a spiritual journey towards the Divine Love, and how it will start will be unveiled in the coming episodes. 

The Lahore based producer and director Amin Iqbal has given some of the great pieces of dramas in the past. It is really interesting as if we analyze then there is an outcoming. The Lahore was always a center of intellect, wisdom, literature, art and craft. So, we always see a new breeze of air whenever there is some production from the Lahore, and somehow it is sad that the whole drama industry as well as the film industry has shifted to the Karachi, So, we see more of a flavor of Indian soap dramas on screens. Here a production like Ishq e Laa, gives a fresh breeze and breath of air. 

Ishq e Laa, means a love for God Almighty that arises in human hear and then there is left no other desire except how to meet and float in the Divine Enlightenment. "Ishq" is an Urdu and Persian word, describing intense love. Laa comes from Arabic, means nothing else. So the joint meaning of the title is oonly a Love of God Almighty and nothing else. It is beautiful drama title that gives us a reason to look into it and we can even extract some reasons of wisdom from it as expectations are quite high...!!

 Currently, in the drama we have seen Yumna Zaidi as Azka and her mother are closely intact with Prayers, and a powerful scene when she is forced to marry a street goon for the sake of honor, and she says that she has handed all her issues to ALLAH Almighty. Then on another frame, we have watched Sajal Ali aka Shanaya, keeps on praying to God Almighty at different times for her dreams and prayers to be answered, and she is involved in humanitarian works without any worldly desires. She is also involved in exposing the corrupts and culprits of the society wide and open. 

We see the pride and arrogance of Azalaan (Azan Sami Khan) , right from the start. Hoe he misbehaved with Azakah, being a poor girl, and he couldn't tolerate her reaction when his friend disrespected Azkah, and she reacted with appropriate replies but he was so offended and asked her to get out. Later, his mother and his friend cum beloved Shinaya tried to make him realize that he was all wrong. But, he didn't listen to them and convinced that there is no room for anyone inferior in material gains to show self-respect, and react to it, and for hum it is so easy to degrade anyone who doesn't' fit into his idea of respect and status. It is a point of fear for his mother and Shinaya that he might face the consequences of for Divine Wrath. But for time being, he hasn't realized and feel guilty. 

Let's wait how thing will turn our in the coming episodes. The self-realization and the respect for human beings in general is addressed, and how a person who has suffered, and get hurt from others without a crime is actually punished , not just in hereafter but in this mortal world as well. So, how one should be refrained from hurting and giving pain to others is one aspect of the paly, and how pride always has a fall, and how it will affect the people in different ways is the leading question that needs to be answered, and what we will see. The execution of such a sensitive subject must be seen with a clear focus for sure. A must watch drama serial of the current times for all viewers for sure...!!

Dobara - A Drama Serial that Addresses a Major Dilemma of Wrong Our Social Norms


Dobara - Hum TV Drama Serial

Hadiqa Kiani, a renowned singer for the last two decades and as well as an established celebrity made an entry in the drama industry of Pakistan with a banging play like "Raqeeb Se". The whole drama serial was awesome, its storyline, dialogues, situations, narrative, direction, and then the actors. Everything was fantabulous. There were great actors like Noman Ijaz, Sania Saeed, Iqra Aziz, and Faryal Mehmood. But the real actor that made the audience in awe was Haqia Kiani, who played the typical village woman "Sakina", a mother of a young girl, and then the whole story unfolded and took the audience with an intense appreciation. it was an art drama that was liked by people who wanted to see something new, different, and mindful. 

It was really very appreciable to see an all-time singer doing acting, and to a level that many ace actors haven't done so far. It was a great change and a cherished moment for the audience. Now, there is another drama serial that casts Hadiqa Kiani as the main lead is "Dobara". Again it is a Hum Television Network presentation, a promising cast that includes young heartthrob actor "Bilal Abbas Khan". It is really a new version of a story that is told several times. An older woman in love with a much younger boy. How circumstances will take them to be in close connection as the promos suggest will be explored in the upcoming episodes. 

But there is an important aspect of our society and culture that is already addressed here. As per Islam, there is no prohibition of widows or divorced women getting married again. In fact, men are persuaded and motivated to do so. But unfortunately, living with Hindus for more than thousand years has developed a psyche that is not prevalent in the rest of the Islamic world, even these days. In Hinduism, widows were forced to be burned alive with the dead bodies of their passed away husbands for centuries. But this bad ritual was abolished by Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir, one of the famous rulers from the Mughal era. But onwards, the widows in Hindu culture are forced to wear white dresses, not to eat like normal family members, not to wear shoes, and not even supposed to laugh and enjoy small things of life. 

Our Pakistan was founded with a vision of implementation of true Islamic laws and Systems. Unfortunately, it was not done to date. Though Late General Zia ul Haq tried his best to bring in some changes. But a long-established psyche is all like the same. People and even family members object if the widows wear colorful dresses, try to live their own lives as perfectly shown in the new drama serial Dobara. Where her routine life like having morning walks, hanging around, even with her daughter, and eating ice cream is being a point of objection. There are people like her late husband's sister, her son's in-laws, and her own son-in-law who has a clear disgusting feel about her wearings, her life routine, and for time being a sweet and compassionate normal social relationships with anyone. 

The point of objection in her friends and family circle at the moment is how dare she can spend her days and nights as per her decision. Why she wears colorful dresses' and try to relive a life that she long desired for as in her youthful days. The presence of a charming young boy is like an add-up fuel to the fire but not the real case scenario. It is not just another drama but a post-mortem and scanning of our society in general. Where we need to mend our thoughts and concepts, and how to change our social and cultural norms. There is a clear-cut message that needs to be learned, and Hadiqa Kiani and Bilal Abbas Khan are doing great justice to their roles, along with Sakina Sammo and others on this Hum TV presentation. Let's see how Danish Nawaz, the director will carry this sensitive and message conveying story in a real goo way in further episodes. 

Annie and Parizaad Meetup - A Beautiful Turn in the Drama as Expected

Parizaad - A Dram and History

The Parizaad drama of Hum Television Network has created a new history of a popular drama in intellectual as well as in masses. The deal and tyranny of a below-average-looking man in this cruel world where everything matters in the outward charm, fair complexion, money, lifestyle, and social status. Here, an inwardly bitter but sweet gentle soul like Parizaad, who has now turned out to be P.Z. Mir is like an icon for many in the same family, social circle, and among the people. The ironic slap by the writer as to how we judge people based on outer appearances and the material scores and forget to see the beauty of hearing, mind, and soul is very wisely dealt with in the whole drama presented at Hum Network Television

The human dilemma of classification of people on the basis of color, beauty, class, financial status, race, religion, caste, nationality has never been out of the human psyche. We are as cruel as the characters in the Parizaad who judge his entire being on the basis of his outward appearance. He was a person whose name was prescribed by his mother as she loved him unconditionally. But the world mocked at him due to having a name of a beautiful being, and the personality vice versa. 

So, the gain of fame, name, and money by his dead master as inheritance, and now he is recognized and respected by everyone. But, inside there is still a humility, down-to-earth nature, and his loneliness. His childhood complexes of being lesser than normal beings are still there. So, the RJ Annie (Qurat al Ain). Parizad, used to be impressed by her chirpy talks and his confident nature to talk to him, and find every way to reach him. He is impressed as to how much she is impressed by his poetry, his thought process, and his ideas about life that people never bothered except Lubna, who turned out to a prostitute and unreachable. Her mother taught him the biggest lesson of life that if he has money and status then the world will simply ignore his looks, complexion, and his overall flaws in personality. It happened for real after years. 

When all of a sudden Annie asked him that she wanted to make a sculpture of him on phone. He is outraged and feels being humiliated again after so much time. Now, with the power and confidence that money has given him. He is outspoken enough not to forgive her, and to be silent but instead shouted at her and asked her to never connect with him again. But, she dared to be in his office the very next morning, and he was first amazed at her confidence, and then rudely asked her to be out of his office. Saying all that misery of being ugly to her, and she was heartbroken. Tried to leave the office, and then it was revealed that she is blind. Oh, what a revelation and what a pang of guilt he got into. 

It was an amazing episode where he must we can recall his university fellow Lubna, who is now an ace actress "Mahpara" that she monologued that she wanted to spear the eyes of those who just see Parizaad from his outer self, and don't look at his inner beauty. That's what is the reality now that a girl, who is blind and doesn't know him or can see how he looks has fallen in love with his wisdom, words, intellect, and his beauty of the soul. How he would complement and react to her true feelings is something that is worth looking for in the comping episodes. Yumna Zaidi has again won audience hearts with her cute, fragile, and outclass performance. Ahmad Ali Akbar as Parizaad has already made a mark in the history of Pakistani drama and showbiz with his awesome acting. So, watching the whole drama, Parizaad 

Parizaad - A Drama which has Created a New History of Intellectual Media Presentation!

Parizaad - A Blockbuster Serial of Hum TV

It is really very exciting to watch something from Pakistani showbiz and media that carries intellect, wisdom, and a way to compare to the international standards. Here it goes all well with "Parizaad". A presentation of HUM TV Network that is worth watching, talking and recommending so easily to others. I was a novel that was highly praised by readers of modern Urdu Fiction. A very well-written novel by a famous novelist named Hashim Nadeem Syed. He is a heartthrob among television audience with many blockbuster serials that have been aired from different channels over a person of two years. 

The important thing is the captivating script, the heart-touching dialogues, and bitter but true reality that goes all well, and the audience from different backgrounds and experiences can relate with either one character or other, and with the wisdom quotes that are spread in every episode of this famous drama serial. The writer had done a tremendous job, and we cannot ignore the depth that the director of the play has taken and his hard work must not be ignored. 

How can one talk about Parizad and forget about an otherwise not so famous actor Ahmad Ali Akbar. Wow, what a brilliant performance, and how much he has compromised on his looks, body language and tones, to be in the character of Parizad. A person who is disowned by family, society, and literally everyone except his ever-loving sister for being dark, not good looking as per social and cultural and so-called beauty expert's standards. How he faced humiliations everywhere, and no body bothered to look at his inner beauty, his pure soul and his incomparable values, ethics and sacrifices all through life. 

There are so many great actors who have contributed to the success of this great drama like Noman Ijaj, a veteran and brilliant performer. Ushna Shah, who is all time playful and take twists as per her whims and wishes. The Urwa Hussain, who played the role of Behroze Karim's beloved but unfaithful wife. The Mashal Khan, Lubna, a university fellow, a prostitute and then an actress at later times. Saboor Ali, who played the role of a Bubbly Badmash, and done entire justice to her otherwise quite twisted role. Then the powerful performer of the decade, Yumna Zaidi, who has introduced as Annie, and she has an edge of stealing the entire show in any serial where she is present like the currently running one "IshqeLaa". 

But we have read the novel, and try to find out how the director ends the play on screen. As we have seen how a bad direction has ruined another great story by Umera Ahmad with "Hum Kahan Ke Sachy Thy". The storyline was great, dialogues, acting by Mahira Khan, and Kubra Khan is brilliant. But the flawed direction has made it a miserable flop, though it worked great in the start. So, the world of Pakistan drama industry will always highlight Parizad, and Ahmad Ali Akbar, who has proved himself as a performer up to world-class level for sure...

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