Jo Bichar Gaye - An Epic Presentation of Geo TV on the Tragedy of East Pakistan turning into Bangladesh!

Jo Bichar Gaye - GEO TV Presentation

The fall of Dhaka and the emergence of Bangladesh out of East Pakistan was the second biggest tragedy in the history of Pakistan after the mass genocide at the time of foundation in 1947. The tragedy of losing our great part was always a matter of depressive thoughts and of living with a visual dream of being in Dhaka and getting affiliated with our Bengali-born Muslim brothers and sisters. The war of 1971and the surrender of 92000 Pakistani soldiers was the last outcome but there were so many conspiracies and theories that revolved around people and organizations who wanted to separate East Pakistan from West Pakistan, as a matter of ego, hate-mongering among common people in East Pakistan. 

All such characters were foreign and in fact enemy funded, and the presence and provocation of "Mukti Bahni" as a separatist movement are more like with Balochistan Liberation Army. The role of India is to ignite the fire of hat, of letting the people of East Pakistan with a feeling of being neglected. A false tale of showcasing West Pakistan and Punjab people are the oppressors. It has a bitter history, and unfortunately, nobody in Pakistan in the government or private sector tried to present the ground realities. How Agartala Conspiracy occurred, and why Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman came with his six points. In what conditions the 1970 elections in both parts of Pakistan were held. 

Jo Bichar Gaye gives a very insightful audio-visual experience of what happened at the back of everything. How to paid puppets from within Muslims, Bengalis, and East Pakistan were floated to destroy two-nation theory and to conclude with a concept deeply engraved in Bengali people that their true liberation would only be possible if East Pakistan would turn into Bangladesh, and be free from Pakistan. How young minds were influenced and the people who disagree with the core concept or the ones who were from West Pakistan were massacred, tortured, and bullied in streets, educational institutions, and at every place in Dhaka, Chittagong, and rest of places. The Geo TV presentation "Jo Bichar Gaye" is a masterpiece in its own way. 

Firstly, our young generation can see the real stories of what, where, and how the conspiracy of independence of Bangladesh was developed. How India played its part to actually destroy Pakistan, and how the Pakistan Peoples Party under the leadership of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and Pakistan Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman were the real game players and traitors of Pakistan in disguise. Bhutto, in fact, wanted to rule over West Pakistan and had no concern or emotional bonding to keep East Pakistan intact. likewise, Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman had the same sentiments and interests towards his own rulership and concept of independence. 

 The characters are well crafted and the production and direction value is superb. We cannot ignore the actions of Wahaj Ali, Maya Ali, Nadia Jamil, the new captain. It is with the best practice that the audience has engaged very well with the drama that is a piece of history, and in fact, doesn't carry that typical and glamorous value. The direction is great, and so are the choices of shooting times, the corridors of GCU as a presentation of Dhaka University, and then it really involves us as viewers into knowing what is more there. We feel the sadness, depression, and anxiety of that era, and what was there happening in Dhaka. We also see a glimpse of General Yahaya's role, and that of others and look forward to seeing an epic drama that will be presented to young minds as a case study of the tragedy of separation of East Pakistan, and of the formation of Bangladesh...!!

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