Even Mahira Khan with a Powerful Performance Couldn't Save Hum Kahan ke Sahce Thy from a Flop..!!

Hum Kahan Ke Sahe Thy - An Honest Review

Mahira Khan has impressed me for the very first time with her acting in the currently running drama serial on Hum Television network named "Hum Kahan ke Sache Thy". This means, we were not truthful as the world. It is a metaphorical use of a quotation that leads us to know our very own flaws and in-depth lies that make us successful in the outer world. But it is like a termite that swallows our souls from inside. The paly is produced on the famous short novel by great fiction writer of current times in Urdu Literature named "Umera Ahmad". She is renowned for her literary contibutions like  Meri Zaat Zara e Be Nishan, Man o Slawa, Peer e Kaamil, Aab e Hayat, Shehr e Zaat, Alif, Hum Kahan k Sahe Thy, Daam, SInf e Ahan and lots more to her credit. 

Interestingly, all these writeups are adapted and famous drama serials have already been made. But the " Hum Kahan ke Sache Thy" is a bit different as is an insight into human behaviors and psychology, and a lesson to let people know as to how their behaviors and tongue can affect the entire life and personality of a kid in his or her growing years. The drama serial is currently on air every Sunday, at a prime time of 8 pm in Hum TV Entertainment, and the roles of "Mehreen" are very well-played by Mahira Khan, an international name of fame from Pakistan. The role of "Mashal", a very twisted one is also greatly done by Kubra Khan, a comparatively new sensation who has mesmerized the television and film audience with her beauty and performance. Another major character of the story is "Aswad", and it is plainly done by "Usman Mukhtar". 

Overall the credit to actors in lead and character roles must be given as everyone is doing justice to what is expected. But there are strong directorial flaws in the drama. Firstly, the story as in the novel is short and the drama is lingered on unnecessarily. There is too much emphasis on melodrama and the background score. By the way, it is a great soundtrack but there is no need to keep on playing it so loud in the whole drama. Then the flashbacks and the mismatched presentation of various characters have destroyed the impact that the novel readers carried in their minds. 

How adults behave and talk with putting self-censorship to their thoughts and tongues. Actually, it is spoiling and destroys the growth of young kids. Filling them with unnecessary venom against their own family members. How comparisons, jealousy, and hatred make people full of flaws as adults and responsible citizens. Despite the great acting by Mahira Khan, the drama has lost its initial boost as the audience is too disappointed by the much lingered on presentation, and there are many episodes where simply nothing new happens at all. 

The dialogues are not that powerful like Khali ur Rehman Qamar plays, even if he has a simple story to tell to the readers and audiences. The character of Mashal was not properly visualized, as to how and why she was so much in hatred towards Mehreen by the continuous comparisons. How Mehreen is deprived of every good thing is not presented properly, just because her father died and mother had a second marriage. She was dependent on her grandmother, uncle, and aunt for being brought up. It is interesting to point out, as her aunt Selaha always felt so much sympathy for Mehreen. Why she hadn't taken the girl to her home when her only son even lived in the United States. 

It could be a blockbuster and an intellectual asset of Hum TV, if the storyline was properly perceived and executed by the director "Farooq Rind" and his producer. Parizaad is also an adaptation of a novel but see how it is ruling the hearts, minds of not just the public but of critics from Pakistan and abroad. Proper execution can make a masterpiece like Money Heist, and a spoiler like Hum Kahan ke Sache Thy. That's sad as how a writer can compromise her beautiful words presentation in literature for the sake of just money...!! 

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