Love is Not Subject to Feeling and True Emotions Anymore...!!

Love and Lust in Modern World
Love in the Present World

Yeah! When I say it then there is a real logic and a hidden identity of modern life. Bygone are the days when there were talks of Platonic Love in literature, and in reality. now, you can't think of loving any other person if you don't feel him or her with touch, words, and much more. That's what we see in modern cinema as a matter of fact as well. The way the norms of the world have changed over the last century. The First World War and the Second World War were the reason for social, economical, cultural, and psychological changes that were so drastic and out of anyone's control. 

The emotional upheaval that was the aftermath of not just the world wars but the whole 20th century is full of a history of wars among countries, regions, racism, genocide, massacres, and violence. The 21st century inherited the inventions and discoveries of the 20th century along with the emotional breakup. The family system is almost on a verge of collapse in Europe, North America, and other Russia for instance. Young kids and teenagers have to move out of their cozy homes, to earn their bread and butter or to pay the rentals and their educational expenses. 

So, Generation X, or the digital one where we have seen the emergence of smart devices, distant video callings, global outreach, and social media as a new giant has snatched the moments of happiness, togetherness, and love that was between people. We want others when we feel lonely, and cannot give our shoulders to others when they desperately want us. It has strangely injected a desire to feel that moment and the person with all his or her personification. The result is the temporary physical relationship or sex that is bound to diminish as it was a need, not a desire, and not fulfilled in a civilized manner. 

The animal instinct is here and the modern-day media, movies, music, and social media posts and engagements are leading to such lustful desires. To crave for the sole purpose of fulfillment of carnal desires, without a longing to love for a lifetime. We see unusual and unmatched relationships and the world of tattoos where people love to disfigure their beautifully formed body organs by a Divine Rule. When this intervention leads to a rebellion then nothing pure and good can be sprouted out. 

So, it is need of the hour and a resolution in post-pandemic days to form strong family bonds, refresh and relive moments with our blood relations. To reinforce our friendships and harmonize with nature. To put our efforts into nurturing beautiful and longer-lasting relationships. To discourage negativity, hatred, violence, and greed amongst us. 

When the human relationship is not based on lust and greed but on a pure basis of love, and a desire to let others feel better in their lives then this world can really become a heaven-like place. Yeah! it is a mortal world and we are all going to diminish one day but we can create a positive impact in our societies and the whole world that can be long remembered and followed upon by others.

Annie’s Immense Respect and Gratitude for Parizad is Her Deep Love for Him?

Parizaad and Annie Love Twist

Parizad had a second last episode on screen and it has again mesmerized the audiences. It is an exemplary drama serial showcased by Hum TV network, and that hadn’t lost the audience’s attention for even a single episode. Every episode leaves us in awe and wants to see further. From a viewer’s perspective, we are sad that such an interesting and inspiring dram serial is going to end. Though the magnificence of the lead character Parizaad (who considered himself the most insignificant person on the face of the earth) is going to go with extra miles. The last episode will be showcased in cinemas, unlike Khalilul Rehman Qamar’s blockbuster serial in January 2020. It won’t be as disappointing for the cinemagoers as that went out.  

Why I am having this wishful thinking is the fact that though we have seen Parizaad’s journey of life as a perfect example of ‘rags to riches”. But the earthly manner of his personality and the realistic element has never been compromised, and we see each of his conquers as a natural consequence of the life which luck has showered over him. So, we also see that his real personality has not changed, and what is most precious to him is pure love for him. A woman who can love him with his entire being, and not disown him due to his looks like Othello, or not due to his wealth and status. 

Annie, a character is played by a great actress named “Yumna Zaidi” is the first person who came into Parizaad aka Ahmad Ali Akbar life with no wants, no desires, no fake emotions. The most important thing is the fact that she is blind but she is in love with his heart and soul. It happened long before she met him due to the beautiful poetry that is her passion. She is a radio jockey and keeps on reciting her poetry and an unseen poet, and then a chance made her close to him and even able to make his statue. Annie loves his words, his deep emotions which are expressed in his poetry. At some point when he realized that he has started living her cute and innocent soul, and want her to be his better half. The confidence was raised as she is blind and he had it in his mind that she would never see his ugliness with open eyes. 

The twist in the tale arises when Annie’s cousin came from abroad named “Sharjeel”, and gave a piece of great news that Annie can get an eye transplant. For that time, the consequences are the same as he could get her as his old friend “Nasaaz”, also insinuated him to move forward and express. But the sudden claim of Sharjeel’s love for Annie shatters his dream of finding true love once again. It is so distressing and disturbing for him, and he even thought and actively tried to kill Sharjeel. But the gratitude and immense flow of love, and her admiring words made him realize at the right time to stop his personal guard “Akbar’ for doing the wrong and sinful act of killing the innocent. 

Later, we see the departure for the USA scene when Annia and Parizaad are all alone, and how she was overridden with emotions and tears. She was saying that she had never respected anyone in her life as she does to Parizaad. But it is a full-on confession of love, and if Parizaad would have overcome his born inferiority complex then he could easily express his true love for her. I am quite sure that she could never have refused. But from another angle, Annie has not shown the true emotion, and it could also happen that she would have said Yes to him out of gratitude, respect, and as a return of his favors. We see that Parizad never asks for a return of favors, and doesn’t even feel good to get appreciated or receiving of thanks from the people whom he has given so much. Like the presence and thankfulness of “Amjad”, who is a husband of “Naheed’, his first-ever love made him quite uncomfortable. 

Let’s wait for the last episode or the finale and it will prove as if Annie really loves Parizaad or it was just a crush and a love for his intellectual skills. At the same time, viewers are desperately waiting for where he is going to leave as per the promo of the last episode, and what if he takes himself so far away that Annie could find no way to express her true feelings and love. As she is continuously insisting him to be the first person when after surgery she would be able to see. She wants to see Parizad and only him as the first person. 

Isn’t it a shy way of expressing her deep love, and why Parizad is not picking up the vibes? Let’s wait for the last episode as many people are telling us on social media that Parizaad will suicide, and why he would do that. His loneliness is killing of course but would he wait for Annie’s final call to him or do it before. Why doesn’t deserve a normal love and a life of his own like every sane individual? If he dies then it would be more than a great Shakespearean tragedy and would be devastating and depress the audience for many days and weeks. Won’t it be a negative message for all those people who are facing inferiority complexes due to their looks, skin colors, race, impairments, status, and poverty?

Will the World See an Old Normal as a Part of Routine Life..!!

Post-pandemic Worlds and Human Stress Factor

The most important thing in any human being’s life is to look for the greater good in life. The world was free to move, learn, excel to be social, and have intellectual growth. The Covid-19 has changed the whole world psyche, and that too with confinement and being on the brink of nervous shattering lockdowns. The World is fast emerging with remote assistance, work from home, and the new life pattern is inhaling the whole world with negativity, stress, depression, and anxiety. Fear of the unknown is all out in the heart, minds, and souls of individuals. That’s why we see lots of people getting frustrated and you hardly find people with peaceful facial expressions.

Whether it is subject to the financial crises that are caused by lots of people who were earning through daily wages. There were lots of occupations that required daily work and income generation. The restrictions and impositions have stopped the fiscal cycle, and at the same time, this pandemic has separated humans from others in a different way. Firstly, we used to look at the breakup of the family system in the west, and now we see that people are fearful of each other as they might not catch the infection virus.

Most of the world is facing the same situation and it has ruled out the first world countries with extra luxuries and the concept of welfare states. Now everyone is fighting the battle of life on an individual basis. We see sudden closure of flights to multiple countries. Though Covid-19 Vaccination has been done very rapidly in 2021, the process is continually going on. But the virus mutation is so strong that it is on a constant evolution. So, life is quite struck, and in third world countries, it has damaged the already not so good education system. Online teaching and learning programs are not as much developed as in rich countries. Everybody cannot afford smart gadgets like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Many people are deprived of internet connection.

So, the major aspect of life is to get on a verge of better living and to find a stable lifestyle. Here it is very important for each individual to remain hopeful, and to grab the strong pillar of faith for all the right reasons. The vaccination process is not preventive but can secure a person as per assumption. So, the world needs to be more soft, compassionate, and patient towards fellow human beings. At the same time, a strong belief in the afterlife and doing good deeds as an investment for having a place in paradise will change the human perception and will add to the optimism.

How the New Normal Lifestyle Post-Pandemic Can be Dealt With...!!

Pandemic and New Normal Life
Pandemic and New Normal Lifestyle

Life on this globe of Earth has taken a 360-degree turn after the arrival or the sudden sprout of the pandemic in the form of Covid-19. Firstly, it emerged from China and people thought that it would be a regional thing. But how it took the world in its wraps during the first quarter of 2020 was a disaster, horrific, terrifying and in fact, had shaken the whole human psyche. It was thought that the pandemic would be over and people will overthink about their daily life matters, behaviors, compassion towards other inhabitants on earth would have been changed. 

But all thoughts of optimism and a motivation to build a positive structure of the world have long vanished. With two years of coronavirus, having continuously in our lives with mutation and new fears and lockdowns has proved that it will stay. But what has really changed is the uncertainty of goals, the rise of inflation, unemployment in every part of the world. Crime and violence have risen and humanity is draining more of our individual and collective socio-cultural values. This is the new normal lifestyle, and if we see how much the fear of sudden sickness, contagious diseases being caught and death has made us different. The new normal societies see remote learning and online jobs as the top priority. 

As the cinemas had always been the greatest delight in the whole world have been closed for most of the times. The medium of television and social media is ruling. Now the famous production houses are more focused on making web series, dramas, seasons and movies to be shown on different online portals with some set monthly payments like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney, Zee5, and many more in our part of the region are most popular. 

Now we haven't seen a world of class, wisdom, and of intellect as being learned and taught. We see Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, TikTok, Snack Video, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and many others taking the hold of human minds and hearts. WhatsApp has been a medium of communication and an alternate of meeting and sharing our thoughts and emotions. See, the digital world is swift, normal, and the way of life. Okay! it is really important to adopt new ways of communication, and that too is necessary. 

But why have we lost the time to spend with our parents, family, and kids. Why do people of the same family are sitting with each other but don't catch the emotions of others? It is because everyone is busy chatting with someone over the communication apps on their cell phones, tablets, and laptops. The friendship word has lost its meaning and it is only applicable when we are having our free time, and who is willing to chat with us at that moment. There might not be mental compatibility, a thought-provoking share of ideas, emotions and to let others feel comfortable. We are actually more into mental disorders of our own, and face the same from around us. The new normal after the post-pandemic is all full of anxiety, stress, panic, and selfishness. 

It is high time to ponder over what we are doing and how things are working in our favor and for our loved ones. It is time to find some space for artificial gadgets and online platforms. To interact and communicate with each other. To meet and greet our family and friends and to console the hurting souls. To feel the pain of the loss of others, and to try to live a life as organic as possible. It is time to get attached to Earth again, to nourish and cultivate fresh breeze, food, and deep-rooted emotions again like olden times. 

Parizad has Really Created a History with Mastery in Every Aspect of Drama Making with Great Intellect..!!

Parizad Drama - A History Maker

Parizad has become a new phenomenon with the world these days! Yeah! it is not a joke ad not even an overstated thing but a fact that it is ruling the hearts and minds of the drama viewers. Parizaad has gained this repute and success, not just in Pakistan but across borders, and to other parts of the world where people can understand Urdu. I am quite sure that its popularity over the web will take it to other levels with dubbings and subtitles in different languages. Being a Pakistani, a proud moment as we used to find Turkish dramas ruling over the world in different countries and languages. In Pakistan, the trend was initiated with a bang as "Ask e Memnu" was aired on a new television channel in Urdu dubbing. People loved the serial, its presentation and the human beauty, and how mature the Turkish actors are. 

Currently, we are watching on Pakistan's state-owned channel PTV with Dirilus Ertugral. It has helped Pakistan Television, to gain lost fame. Yes, there were Golden Times of PTV, when its dramas were not only watched by the Pakistani audiences but to other parts of the world. A private channel is also showcasing the "Kurlus Osman" in Urdu dubbing, who was historically the real son of Erturgral Ghazi, and a real founder of the great "Ottoman Empire" that ruled over three continents for six hundred years. 

The mention of how good content rules over electronic and web portals is a new normal. As the post-pandemic world has driven more audiences to go for Netflix, Hulu, Disney, Amazon Prime, and many other entertainment portals. Worldwide closure of cinemas has created a much higher attraction for people to sit in their cozy living rooms or bedrooms and watch high-quality dramas, seasons, movies, and lots more. The content richness, deep and humanistic storyline, realistic touch that is definitely added due to great direction. Then the lead actor who played the role of "Parizaad" named "Ahmad Ali Akbar' has really nailed it. What an Oscar-winning performance and there were many great names of the Pakistan drama industry, who played vital but character roles have done great justice. 

Here Parizaad would not have been so successful that its last episode will be showcased in local cinemas as well. It's something historic, and min fact much deserving. Here, an ace actor Noman Ijaz, Ushan Shah, Saboor Ali, Urwa Hoccain, Mashal Khan, and Yumna Zaidi as "Annie" have made it a play that is worth watching multiple times. The writer Hashim Nadim Syed has written a great story, script, beautiful and catchy dialogues, the use of his beautiful poetry is all there to make its quote and pieces of poetry, o be shared on social forums, WhatsApp Status, and friendly shares is awesome. 

Now, the story after unwinding has started towards an end. But the masterpiece of Pakistan drama industry of current times, and a presentation of HUM TV has given a relief and direction to others that an intellectually strong, and audience attention can be grabbed at the same time. Let's hope that more masterpieces will be observed after Parizaad and RaqeebSe in coming days....!!

Murree Tragedy 2022 - Pakistani Nation Mourns Over but a Time to Look at Realities..!!

Human Tragedy in Murree - January 2022  

Murree incident has given a new reality check to us all, which means the general public of Pakistan. As we are now able to understand that there is simply no administration, no law and order for the common man, and the government has left people so helpless and to survive as per their will and willpower. Such a tragic disaster has taken away in the most famous hill station resort of Pakistan, means Murree! People from various areas of Pakistan went to see the snowfall, and especially of the plains. But death and disaster were waiting for some of them. 

Now just one or two but the whole families were found dead in their cars due to sheer weather, heavy snowstorm, and by the carbon mono oxide that was released in their cars due to persistent switch of car heater. While the silencers of those vehicles were covered with snow that jeopardized the release of carbon monoxide gas and caused slow and unconscious death. It is something technical that we are continuously listening to and reading on mainstream media and social media. But the deaths of innocents and the sad incident have raised several bitter questions. 

Why the Government of Pakistan and the provincial government of Punjab didn't revert the cars and other vehicles when it is already estimated that more than 4000 to 5000 cannot enter and, can be parked on the Murree Hills. Around 100,000 cars plus other vehicles entered the small hill station with congested roads and snow everywhere. Noe traffic police, local police, the administration stopped people from entering into a place one after another. Even, the famous member of the present Imran Khan government " Fawad Chaudhry" went to went on Twitter and tweeted that such a huge amount of 

Hum Kahan Ke Sache They - A Non-convincing End for Sure..!!

Hum Kahan Ke Sachy The

Hum TV offered many highlighted drama serials in the year 2021. Though the year was very stressful and full of anxiety due to continuing waves of pandemic. Here, watching some good pieces of audio-visual art medium and especially from television was a delight. As the whole cinema was a continuous closure, and there were no live concerts and theater. So, television dramas were the only entertainment medium that persisted in these lock down times.

Hum Kahan Ke Sachy The was a very high prolific drama serial which was directed by ace director "Farooq Rind". Pyaar Ke Sadqy and Ishq Zahe Naseeb fame. The storyline was of famous fiction writer of the current Urdu literature named "Umera Ahmed". The drama was based on her already popular and acclaimed short novel of the same name.

Mahira Khan, a name of no introduction in Pakistan, India and other South Asian countries was the main lead as "Mehreen" in the play. Yeah! It was an audience delight to watch their favorite actress in a lead role on television after a long time. Then there was gorgeous "Kubra Khan" as the "Marshal". The hot junk of the industry means "Usman Mukhtar" as "Aswad" was also in the make lead. Unfortunately, having all the best potential attributes for a single serial, a big disaster and a flop at the end.

Yeah! It was a disaster to see Umera Ahmed, herself compromised on her one of the highly acclaimed masterpiece in writing for the sake of money? I don't think that Fame is a problem with her anymore. Why she compromised on the basic soul of her original story, the psychological depth that the novel carried and which us caused in small kids due yo strange behaviors of adults. Why she gave the director and a production house a chance, to change the entire end..?

Her all time readers and followers could have forgiven the changes on the name of 'Cinematic Justice', as if it really had appealed to sane human minds. No. It doesn't at all as how can one expect a complete Sadist "Aswad", to be forgiven without no punishment or a virtuous change. How could Mehreen, even if she had survived the nervous breakdown, all credit to Aswad could so easily forgive and forget that he never listened and trusted her, his own mother, aunt and anyone but a sudden change came to him, listening to "Shabbo", an old but a suspicious maid at Mashal's house.

How could one think that a phonic and self-centered man like Aswad could ever be relied do easily after the damage he had caused in Mehreen's life, being her so-called husband and a childhood lover. At once, a fragile and complexed gitl like Mehreen hot such a great confidence to face her grandmother, uncle, aunt and everyone on her own. Could say such brilliant dialogus and could make them feel guilty. A lifelong mystery and shattering personality changed into a strong woam, and the one who was ready to start everything, and to bond with everyone without letting them all to be apologetic to her in a real sense, and to get a reality based assurance from Aswad and his mother, ironically who was so opinionated but good for nothing whenever it cane to stand with the weak  but the right person.

What's Your take on the whe drama serial of "Hum Kahan Ke Sache Thy", and as if you are convinced with the end and the final twist in thd rėkė, even if you haven't read the actual novel of adaptation like me then please share your opinions. Thank you guys...!! 

2022 - A Desire and Wish to be Better Humans with Pandemic Free World

New Year 2022 - Pandemic and Human Psychology 

he past two years have taught us all as human beings to over think as if we are living a life worth living! What is the real meaning and purpose of this mortal life that can be over at any instant, with a catch of a microscopic virus, and one is all dead or can face a near death experience.

Covid-19 is not just a life threatening and contagious virus. But it is a warning sign for mankind as if we are living on a right path. If we are making a justifiable living on this planet. Can we be called the real Human beings? Yeah! It's a question that we need to ask to our souls. Have we fulfilled our duties of being a compassionate human or just living here like the selfish creation.

No, this reality check in the form of fearful pandemic must shake our souls, and it must make us the real humans. Ones, who live and let others live with peace, love, compassion, self-esteem, freedom, without any fear, to say hopeful and make others believe in hope and great destiny with our little but shiny acts of humanity. I feel that it's been two long years but human beings haven't learnt that Divine Lesson, which came with the pandemic.

To help others, show respect, to not to monger hate, wars, crimes, yo not to take away lives and honor of others for the sake of false egies and political agendas. We haven't even stuck closer to our faiths that we follow, to ask for individual and collective forgiveness by God Almighty

 The differences, hatred, crime rate has risen, and to feel the pain of others and of loss is still self-centric. Unfortunately, we haven't grown as a species or mankind, and have done nothing to stop others from doing wrong. This corona virus hasn't created a buzz in our hearts, minds and souls to feel the pain of others. To make this New Year 2022, to be not just free of the prevalent pandemic but of all hatred, injustices, crimes, differences. The corona virus has been mutated dozens of times, and here is the fifth strong wave in the whole world with the name "Omicron". But humans haven't been mutated yo be happy and let peace, freedom and happiness, being prevalent in the world as well.

Let's all work hard from now on in 2022 and years ahead, a d kerp on praying that we all learn a true lesson of forgiveness and of humanity before a big loss or disaster comes in the world like the ancient times....Stay blessed, compassionate and prosperous everyone...!! 

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