Life is a Hard Test and How to Stay Positive in Difficult Times is an Art...!!

Life and Trials for Existence
Peace, Perceptions and Life

Well, folks! You cannot disagree with the reality that life is a whole load of tests and trials. For some, it is quite an easy road and for others a very hard battle. But who can say that everything is perfect at every moment in his or her life? Nobody! I mean it when I say it with confidence and we have recently faced more than two years of coronavirus, vaccinations, deaths, social distancing, isolation, lockdowns, travel restrictions, unemployment, inflation, anxiety, fear, ailments of ourselves or our loved ones. I guess if it was 2019 and anybody could say he or she doesn't know what is the stress of isolation, trauma, and loss? Then it might be considered that they haven't faced the hard times….!! 

But the overhaul perceptions around the world have been entirely changed. When their masks and social distancing were made compulsory, and you fear every moment that you could catch that deadly COVID-19 Virus from anybody, and from the environment then the human psyche has entirely changed. So is the manipulation of the few over the masses has become a major issue. Each person in more than half of the world has faced these hard times, and the survivors can never forget what the hard times are and will tell stories of them to their children and grandchildren for sure. 

If we leave this coronavirus where it is lying, and then turn towards life then we can easily see that parenting is one of the most difficult tasks, and then getting an education, and searching for jobs, interviews, tests, and the whole job selection process demands lots of patience and confidence to stay cool and positive. Then to be intact with your job or business requires you to struggle to the best of your capabilities every day. Having a family and keeping their social, economic, emotional, and other requirements all intact and perfect is a big big job guy...!!

Staying and getting in love or romance is not that an easy job guys. It is not just dating and sending messages and chatting with your lover. It requires a base and then to bear the pain of losing someone in a relationship or either due to death or departure is a big trauma. Losing a favorite job, and a loss in business or examination is all that painful, and it requires lots of emotional guts to be ready to stand up, start the life journey, and fight against new odds in a way. But people in past times and in current times are not always in panic, anxiety, or depression. They accept the challenges of life with an optimistic approach, and then plan and deal with different situations. 

Having mastery and control over your emotions, and reactions to different happening in individual and collective life is all that matters. LIFE asks you to be a trained player and to behave with the strength of SOUL, at the times when the outer realities are looking against you. It is a time when you need to read motivational books, and blogs and work on your counseling to self-help yourself for having a real sector of love, life, and patience, and to cherish your real SUCCESS. Stay intact for more updates and insights. Thank you guys....!!

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