Success Parameters are Predefined in this Material World Regardless of Watching individual Virtues..?

Success and Materialistic Approach in Post-Pandemic days
Success and Material Approach

Success is a matter of subjective and objective, both at the same time as the human perceptions about it vary in different ages, classes, races, civilizations, and civilizations. One thing is for sure the clichéd society’s word "SUCCESS" is divided into two major categories. Personal gains versus socio-economic growth. The latter has overcome the human values, love, ethics, principles, virtues, and defined the integrity of a true and secure human being. Now the worldly measures define success on the parameters that are set by some people in every society. 

Success is there when you pass an examination with a good percentage or win a soccer match. The Olympics participants wish for success to get Gold Medals for their motherlands. Then find a good job, earn a good degree, and career path. Having a great living style, winning an election, reaching on top of a peak is also a success for those individuals, and individuals and society, on the whole, cherish it. The same is the case of a movie's success, and then winning Oscars, Golden Globe, Emmy is a success for the artists and creative persons. 

Listening to the sounds of nature, and being able to walk on your own feet after a long ailment is a sigh of relief, gratefulness, and success. Losing weight or putting up desired muscles and physique is all there. But what is the philosophy of success? I tell you that it is all that great and embedded in the human genetic system. But the modern world of materialism has started to classify humans based on their bank accounts, luxury bungalows, private jets, luxury cars, fame, fortune, power, and their overall status in the entire society. 

Bowing to the material gains that for me are somehow personal achievements but luck and Divine Ruling are all there. So, successful people in terms of modern dictionaries need to be more humble and grateful. But we see arrogance and an attitude infamous people like singers, film stars, famous players, political figures, business tycoons, and it is simply strange. We have no time to admire and cherish small achievements that we or our loved ones make around us, every single day. It has cast a difference and a gap in human relationships. 

Once the people who had high morals, could gain respect and had great intellect were defined as the symbols of successful people. Now we see motivational speakers and writers who write books on how to gain more money, impress more people with confident talks, even those who are baseless. They are building an attitude of arrogance, redness, and pride among people. 

So, the parameter of success and the people who must be appreciated are long lost in the harsh battle of survival. Ironically. Post-pandemic days are no different as many thinkers and psychologists were of opinion that humans’ emotions, feelings, togetherness, and respect would become a top priority but unfortunately, we haven’t witnessed this Utopian change so far. Hope for the best in the future, and may the people realize the “New Normal” asks them to be different...!!

Social Approval is Always Associated with Money and Status of a Person Nowadays?

Social Recognition - Money and Power

Yeah! My question to you might seem a little vague or a kind of a cliched one but it is a big reality that we see and observe in our daily lives. When we were kids and taught the importance of high morals, ethics and that the people must be prioritized based on their virtues, piousness, great moral and ethical values, and due to having a great compassionate nature. With the age and experience in this world, I have realized that all the aforementioned attributes are unmatchable but the real-world scenario asks you to have different rules of personal judgments, giving love, support, and of giving people preferences over others.

Now it seems to me that the great virtues might be considered to be of a level that human beings must be categorized. In this modern world of materials, all that matters is fame, fortune, and social status. People with great power and financial strength are bowed down by others. It doesn't happen in the outer of the professional world only. But within families, even people love to make friends who are famous or have an arch profile to showcase. How they treat others, and what is their ethical ground is forgotten if they are rich, famous, and have an authoritarian position. 

Even society gives authority of decision-making and of being a person of class to someone whom they find with worldly luxuries. The goodness and the sweet nature, and how powerful is a character of another person who does not carry a stature and high volume of money is either not listened or simply neglected, even is he is saying the truth or a really practical thing. In the end, materialism wins the battle inthis current world, and it is so unfortunate to see all this happening. 

Seeing all the worst effects of realism on our attitudes, behaviors, socialization, and personal or collective priorities. I can’t support the idea that that who are underprivileged and cannot make a big name must be simply forgotten. Their voice, opinions, and their self-esteem are as higher as those of one who is having big bank accounts, luxury cars, and great houses to live in. So, we should prioritize humans based on their personalities, characters, and their other virtues, and the result will be very different. 

Our society and the whole world will see a larger difference if human beings with great morals, ethics, principles, and integrity are given their due respect and honor. You will see a change in social, economic, cultural, and political systems of not just Pakistan, in fact, a rule that is applicable at any place. It is high time post-pandemic that the human psyche must be changed, and we must focus on goodness, positive vibes, optimism, and hope instead of fighting the old battles of hatred, jealousy, power play, and lots more in this actual new world order that a microscopic virus has shaken us to look for as the lives were at stake, and the uncertainty of it still prevails even more significantly...!!

Common Man Life in Pakistan and the Political Drama by both Government and Opposition!

Imran Khan Prime Minister
Imran Khan under Crises as a Prime Minster

The current turmoil and chaos that is spreading and announcement of the No Confidence Motion and Long March with the Pakistan Peoples Part announcement, and then other parties joined in a process to present No-Confidence Motion against the ruling Prime Minister Imran Khan. The worst thing for an oppressed nation like us is that none of the political parties is a true representative of the public. They are not even taking public sentiments seriously, and they only want a play on the strings which is not a matter of mystery for even the common man in Pakistan. We are a nation that faced a great massacre in the process of Freedom in 1947, and then the "Fall of Dhaka" and the loss of East Pakistan only after 24 years of the foundation of "Pakistan" was another big tragedy. 

Instead of learning and feeling the pain of loss, chaos, turmoil, and the long periods of martial laws. Our so-called political parties, their heads, and the puppet cum leaders have not learned a single lesson. They cannot empathize, sympathize and be compassionate with their very own nation that wants peace, law, and order, proper administration, health and educational facilities for all, and lots more things. They only come out when their own agendas are at stake. The holding Prime minister, "the " came with great vows to serve the nation, to make Pakistan a welfare state like "Madinah e Sani", to fight against corruption and inflation, unemployment, and literacy. 

Everything was in vain when he broke his own principles, and tied knots with prominent figures of PNL-N, PPP, and PML-Q or with MQM for the sake of having a seat of a prime minister. His close companions Jahangir Tareen and Zulfi Bukhari flew all across the country with bags full of money, and literally bought MNS for the federal government, and MPAs of Punjab, to form an illegal and unethical government in Punjab of PTI, under the dumb Chief Minister like Usman Buzdar. Here flew all morals, ethics, principles, and values. To ignite the fire of hope and then of hopelessness, he promised and turned down his own vows of giving relief packages for people. 

Imran Khan's government or PIT era is the one with the most inflation, taxes, poverty, least administration, and worst law and order in the whole country. Yet he claims that PTI Government is the most successful one. From which perspective, definitely his own as he might live in Utopia, or addicted with power, fellows, supporters, masters, and his self-pride and arrogance has definitely put a bind on his eyes and mind. The opposition could never have been going too far if he had shown some positivity and performed a little in his current tenure that stretches to three and half years. 

Many names remain in the background and keep playing with these so-called leaders, and with the emotions of the public. The worst thing that came with PTI and Imran Khan was social media false campaigns, trends, and foul language that was not a tradition of decent and educated Pakistanis. Unfortunately, it is in fashion among the supporters of PTI, to say anything to others and to call the people with different opinions traitors, patwaris, and whatever their conscious doesn't feel bad. Maybe the same thing within their family members as it was and never is a part of a normal average Muslim and middle-class culture. 

The whole Peoples Party, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz, Maulana Fazl ur Rehman, and the restrictions of political parties are not good or different in any way. We have faced their systems of government and know what they had delivered, and are capable of. but the important thing that we need to learn is how long, we as a nation will keep on supporting these fake people, who are loyal to Pakistan. The ones who have all stakes abroad, and for how long do we want to be fooled by such personalities who cash their personal success, charms, and past charismas to make fun of their own nation with lies, deceptions, and then doing all that corruption for which they keep on labeling others for more than two decades. 

Love is a Chaos of One's Soul...!!

True Love and Modern Day Definition

Normally when people fall in love then they are actually trying to divert their attention to something new, exciting, charming, and a desire to have someone with who one can share all good and bad moments. Every lover thinks of his or her other partner that there is a constant listener, a way to catharsis, share, and care, and a way to fill in the physical attraction that may lead to liking or loving some other person. The crux of the whole situation is never known as to why people fall in love with those ones who have no blood relationship, no material gains, and who are facing their own hidden battles. 

Man is a Social Animal and described by one of the famous philosophers, and it proves right when we want to get out in the world in search of a person who loves us unconditionally. But do you really think there is any platonic love, and where there is no seen or hidden desire is not working? Some people accept the affection to cover up their loneliness, and others for the sake of having someone with whom they can spend their leisure time, chat frequently and have a fun time.

Here it is very important to point out that in these modern times, people are distracted or confused between love or a physical attraction. Many times, they love others for the sake of having a sexual desire being fulfilled, and they want to grab others for their carnal desires. They call it love, and then I have seen some people who are too vocal and confident over the issue that it is their personal choice, and having someone for a one-night stand or for a timely relationship is quite okay with them. It is really a matter of fact that you look for the best things, and that too for an instance. 

The time passes relationships never live for long, and there is no added value to them. It is really going to be a reason to look for the best reasons to find the true meaning. You can see very many factors, and the rest of the feelings are all there to keep on showcasing the true reasons. The emotional bond and the true feelings are the real crux of great love and the one that is longer lasting. One that does not hurt others, and violates the emotional reasons around with the good thing. Once and for all real love is an unsolved mystery of all ages and civilizations. But the modern-day has made it all that more complex with the use of smart gadgets, social media, instant reach out, and the tissue paper philosophy. That asks the humans to be used and then left out like a used tissue paper. 

Jo Bichar Gaye - An Epic Drama that Gives a Great Insight as How and Why East Pakistan Became the Bangaldesh!

Jo Bichar Gaye - Epic Drama Over Fall of Dhaka

Jo Bichar Gaye, a GEO television network presentation that is directed by an ace director named Haissam Hussain has created a buzz among the Pakistani audience, and across borders as it was based on a real historical tragedy of Pakistan. It also depicted so perfectly how things were boiling for long in East Pakistan, now known to the world as "Bangladesh". The perspective of the narration is from the eye of a soldier who was fighting a lost war, and there was no political will on both sides to keep East Pakistan and West Pakistan intact. But the turmoil and tragedy didn't fall on the leadership but on the general public, and on the armed forces of Pakistan.

An absolutely priceless presentation "Jo Bichar Gaye" that has dug deep into the hearts and minds of all patriotic Pakistanis. We as a generation that was born and grew after the Fall of Dhaka in 1971, see and hear for the first time that our nation had not only faced the genocide and massacre in 1947. There was another brutal episode that happened 24 years later, under the conspiracy of the same Hindutva mindset which was run by Indian forces, its agency RAW, and by their funded "Mukti Bhani", playing a homewrecker and an insane brutal mindset with all evil activities. That soldier Captain Farrukh (played by a new actor Talha Chahour), gave us an insight that normal Bangalis were peaceful and wanted to stay as Pakistanis like Sonia and her whole family. 

There were rebels like Rumi (played by Wahaj Ali) who were brainwashed by Inteligencia of East Pakistan who was in fact on the payroll of RAW. Like his professor at Dhaka University, where the eruption of violence, genocide, and separatist movement started. There was a gorilla war that was going on inside Dhaka city, and across all East Pakistan. The ruthless leader of the Bengal side as well as of West Pakistan knew the consequences but their personal gains were much more important to them instead of thinking and saving the innocent lives, rape of women, digging of alive kids, and looting on the open streets and houses of Dhaka, Chittagong, and other lands. 

The Pakistan army was divided with the separation of Bengali soldiers and officers from the fighting, and being a part of Mukti Bahni. So, there were only 30,000 soldiers who were either from West Pakistan or the ones who believed in the Ideology of Pakistan and didn't want to change their identity. The direction was flawless, the script, dialogues, and the story which is, in fact, a memoir of now captain Farrukh and then later retired as the Colonel Farrukh from Pakistan Army. The actors went over the edge in performance whether you talk about veteran actress Nadia Jamil as a mother, Maya Ali as Sonia, Wahaj Ali as Rumi, Captain Farrukh by Talha Chahaur, and the rest of the cast. 

The turmoil, chaos, uncertainty, and aloofness were shadowing each character. The vane actions and the reactions, and the lost battl3e that was surrendered on December 16, 1971, by General Niazi, when the soldiers were all set for martyrdom. Oh, it's painful to see a defeat, the misery, the loss of half of Pakistan, and the lives and properties of Muslims for the sake of an agenda of "Shonar Bangla" that never could be executed. The Bengali people didn't get a lavish and luxurious lifestyle after separation, which was induced in the young minds of  East Bengal like Rumi. So, the loss of faith and the reality had led to another bitter piece where people of Bangladesh roared the riots in 1974 and killed Sheik Mujeeb ur Rehman with his entire family except Sheikh Haseen Wajid (current prime minister of Bangladesh), and why she is alive was because she was in London at that time. 

How history and the innocent screams and prayers are answered is seen on both sides. The horrific end in Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and of Sheik Mujer n ur Rehman, and of the Indira Gandhi clan, who said after Fall of Dhaka that "we have drowned the Two-Nation Theory into the Bay of Bengal in 1971 war". But history and innocent voices are heard by Divine Reality, and then the end is really a lesson for other traitors and oppressors if someone sees it from that perspective. 

This awesome drama serial and the performance of  Wahaj Ali, May Ali, Talha Chahuar or of Nadia Jamil is an Oscar-winning one, and the director must be applauded for detailed research on the theme, and he used origin NBC and ABC video television coverage, as a proof that what was happening in East Pakistan was disturbing and heinous to the whole world. Otherwise, India and the Bangladesh governments and public could claim that it is false propaganda which it is not at all. It must be an audio-visual document that must be shown at every school, college, and the University of Pakistan for reference and telling our youth how and what tragedies fell on Pakistan due to some paid agents within our own regimes and areas. 

Jo Bichar Gaye will serve as a piece of evidence for further research and for a doctoral thesis, and it is proof of evidence against our all-time enemies. It can be a motivational force, and its repeated telecast and presentation at all local and international forums will open up a new debate as to why some countries cannot look up for the well-being of their own public, and why they try to look for political and military hegemony over other sovereign states of the region. 

I think it is the right time to give a shut-up call to all those culprits who are still producing BLA, TTP, PTM, ANP, and Jiye Sindh or MQM inside Pakistan. It is time for the Pakistani nation to stay united and do not let any third party intervene in our unity, faith, and discipline which are set goals for us to be the Father of the Nation "Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah". Hats of for "Jo Bichar Gaye's entire cast, crew, the director Hassem Hussain and for Ret. Colonel Farrukh for letting us know how we were betrayed in past, and how to safeguard us from inside and outside as well. 

Pakistan Premier Imran Khan is Facing a No Confidence Motion - Reasons and Consequences

Imran Khan - Vote of No Confidence - Pakistan

The current prime minister of Pakistan having named "Imran Khan" is facing a serious challenge of his political and of his ruling era. A vote of no confidence is presented in the National Assembly of Pakistan, and the one that is linked to the "House of Commons" in Great Britain. In Pakistan, we are having a British system of Rule and law. It is one of the gifts of the Sub-continent, being a colony of Britishers for almost a hundred years or more. So, our legal, judicial, and government system is inherited from our former lords and rulers. But unfortunately, the democratic system that "Quaid e Azam" asked the nation to move on didn't function properly due to the worldly desires, whims, and wishes of his predecessors

There were disruptions due to long periods of Martial Laws or Army rule, and then the democratic system where the Prime Minister from the Lower Assembly is the Chief Executive of the Country was never given a chance to do justice to his/her tenure. All of the former prime ministers and their governments were suspended before the five-year ideal time of one session of government. hen our so-called politicians who claim to be the real heroes and mentors of the nation were and still are running behind their own material and family interests. 

Imran Khan claimed to be different with no political background, and from a feudal family. He told in fact made the whole nation trust him that he was a self-made person who earned fame, fortune, and everything from his passion and profession for Cricket. He had a massive global appeal being one of the most handsome men, most eligible handsome bachelor, and education Oxford graduates Cricket player. Then he used his fame to build a Cancer Hospital of its own kind in South East Asia "Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital". Everything was contributed by local, overseas Pakistanis, and as a find form, other countries but the name was dedicated to his passed away mother. 

He used his philanthropic works which were the result of the passionate contributions of his countrymen, to start up a political career with a party named "Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI)", the ones who will provide justice to the oppressed Pakistanis. It never happened, and in fact, he used it entirely for his political gains. The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital, NUML University, and the 1992 World Cup, as a ladder for his success in politics. As a leader, he very shrewdly enticed "Jamima Goldsmith", daughter of Sir James Goldsmith, who was one of the main people who funded and worked for Greater Israel. He lost her but they are still so good friends that ironically she bought him a farmhouse in Islamabad hills comprised of hundreds of acres. 

Anyway, he was a glamourous, fresh, new face out of the old rugged politicians whom the nation has had already seen for their torture. He came up with new concepts of " Naya Pakistan", a place where there will be no corruption and the looted money of former Prime ministers and politicians would be back and consumed on public welfare. He played with the general public sentiments of the people with his cleverness, telling them that his mission was to build a replica of "The State of Madinah ", an ideal time and system of government. He talked about the alleviation of poverty but lived in a luxurious farmhouse, traveled everywhere on the helicopter. Isn't it ironic?

Somehow, Nawaz Sharif's third regime was ended due to a filing of the case as his name came as a piece of evidence in "Panama Leaks", and then the golden time for Imran Khan and his associates began. In the 2018 elections, out of nowhere, he was declared the Prime Minister, even not having a simple majority in National Assembly. It was because his friend and providers "Jahangir Tareen", "Zulfi Bukhari providers", Khusro Bakhtiar", Abdul Aleem Khan", flew on their private jets to open winners, and of the ones who won over other parties. They handed bags full of many, and other benefits, and eventually, he got "Vote of Confidence" from the Assembly, and of course for Senate as well.

On that day, his mission, vision, voiced overvalues were killed by himself when he compromised everything, and his own vows for the sake of getting a seat of a Prime Minister. That was a tragic moment in the history of our nation, and with innocent people who trusted and believed in him that he would be the change, they always wanted and prayed. Nothing is done for the public interest, peace and to raise the standard of living of the common man. Instead, he and his associates have made it difficult for normal people to live decent lives with high inflation, a bundle of taxes, zero administration, a high crime rate, high unemployment, and lots more. Hus is called the man with U-Turns, and yes he turns from every promise, vow, and his own words so easily, without feeling a bit of shame and guilt. 

The nation is witnessing that his closest allies and friends who not only helped him in buying members of the assembly in Federal and forming Punjab Government under the dumb and idiot "Usman Buzdar" have left him. Jahangir Tareen has moved to London and doing a tie knot with Nawaz Sharif, Abdul Aleem Khan and many important figures have openly left him. The No-Confidence Motion presented by join opposition mans PML-N, PPP, JUI-Fazlur Rehman Group, a parties segment of PML-Q, and many smaller parties are aligned, and this time it seems that the establishment has left him out to face the consequences by himself. 

We have to see if he meet this challenge gracefully, and act wisely. For time being, his, arrogance, pride and tone is still too harsh, and can't expect him to change his long-built temperament stretching over fifty years of fame, I guess. Let's hope and pray that the best will come for Pakistan - Aameen. Regardless as to if he stayed or drowned due to his own deeds and words, we hope and pray the best coming days being true patriotic Pakistanis who are living a hard life, owning to this man's wrong administration, and non-stop loans with heavy interests from foreign countries and financial institutions....!! 

Love is a Strange Tangle that Nobody has Truly Understood...!!

Love and True Meaning

When we talk about LOVE, and then there is a rush of emotions and bonds that come in our minds. With each relationship, there is a different feeling and away is quite different from expression in one way or other. Our love for our parents, and parents unconditional love with their offspring. The brother and sister love bonds, and that brotherly and sisterly love that is all sacred and incompletely said and thought about. Then the love of the married couple, husband and wife bond is so intense and life long.

The concept of normal love that is depicted in poetry, fiction, novels, movies, theatre, and poetry is all about a love between a young girl and a boy that has become a center of attention. So, the normal thought which arises with the word "love" is about the romantic bond that asks for twists and turns and the struggle to get your love interest into your life. Romance is part also was existent in ancient stories are is part of the folklore of every civilization, and we can see it was the "Helen of Troy" story that was told in the odysseys. 

So, love and romance were among human beings for time immemorial, and the desire to be loved and to belonged to by some other person was always there. Then there is a love of friendship for our country and for our leaders that sometimes correct us and distract us as well. The love for religion is a supreme point that has caused many people to be reformed, and at the same time, it had created hatred for believers of other religions if the religious leaders brainwash the young minds. So, the meaning of love is quite widespread but we see a piece of strong emotional baggage that is always there.

How we want to be happy with our buddies and feel the pain of others by getting in others' shoes is a love for humanity, and at the same time for the people whom we care. The emotional attachment can arise between teacher and student, friends, boss and employee, love of two people who are both in the same sort of pain. But what is the drawn line between real love and a desire to hold someone for yourself is a big question. love and lust are at many times intermingled as people who want to carry extramarital affairs are more for lust, and then the gay love in many cases is all the desire for that bodily desire to have someone whom one wants to have...

Love is closer in a desire of having a closer attachment, and strong emotion to share your loneliness, your inner soul, and some who want to know you from inside out. Not for the sake of satisfaction of carnal desires but a longer-lasting relationship where there is sharing and caring is more important. To love is to sacrifice and at the same time to find peace and safety in the presence of someone. A guy who is always there to have long talks, to chat, and to call when we want to have. That is something that true love offers in many shades. So, we can never define love in a single blog or in a single sitting, and it is a multilayered emotional subject that we will keep on addressing frequently..!!

Why Human Being Cannot Consider Other Person Life and Honor as Precious as Theirs..?

World, Wars, and Human Crises

Mankind has always been facing different sets of challenges and dilemmas. But the basic instincts and emotions of each human being are always the same. The love, joy, grief, pain, stress, anger, hatred, rebellion, revenge, and compassion were and still are the same as in olden times. People do not feel satisfied with the captivation of power, force, status, money, and popularity. As these were and still are the most powerful worldly emotions and desires that sway normal sane humans from the path, and let them act quite differently when they deal with other people or face different situations. 

Here comes the value of understanding that you can never change how you feel and act like a person who was either living a hundred years ago or a thousand years. The best and at the same time worst thing about human psychology is that each individual wants respect for himself or herself but does not necessarily consider it like giving the same to others. Why wars have had been fought and still these struck modern human civilizations in a much more horrific manner. As the world is observing the Russia and Ukraine war. 

What is the benefit of learning so many technologies, understanding how a single catastrophic act affects millions of people for decades? As the Atomic bombs that were thrown over, Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan killed millions of people, and even after seven decades, the newborns in those areas face strange inherited diseases and cancerous elements due to radioactivity which still exists. We are seeing human killings and honor mutilation in Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Myanmar, India, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Iraq, Sri Lanka, and many African countries. The lust for power, force, and occupation has taken many precious lives of innocent human beings. Then the rape victims have such brutal tales everywhere in the war zones. 

For the last two years, we as mankind are facing the curse of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and how it has killed and destroyed health, economies, and created a phobia amongst people everywhere with catching an infection. The masks, sanitizers, lockdowns, and the social distancing as well as the frequent travel and tourism bans are the New Normal. But still, humanity has not learned a lesson, and there are all sane human beings who are as much vulnerable to catching coronavirus as others are fighting, killing others, honor is destroyed by massive rape of women in oppressed lands, and then there are other war crimes as well as an increase in other crimes and sins.

The excuse for all these vicious and unlawful acts is that human beings are frustrated by their bad financial states, the loss of their loved ones in the pandemic, and the nerve-jerking fear of losing lives on any other day. No! it is not that simple as this pandemic could be a reason for people to get into other person's shoes easily. There could be more sympathy, empathy, compassion, and, love for humanity.

 To help others and to motivate and try to understand others. But unfortunately, the dark psyche of mankind is all the more attracted towards revenge, hatred, and fights, and they then that their lives and self-esteem are much higher and more important than those of the oppressed ones. This is the bitter reality that we can still consider and if find a way to spread it as there might be some eyes that really get opened up...!!

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