Pakistan Premier Imran Khan is Facing a No Confidence Motion - Reasons and Consequences

Imran Khan - Vote of No Confidence - Pakistan

The current prime minister of Pakistan having named "Imran Khan" is facing a serious challenge of his political and of his ruling era. A vote of no confidence is presented in the National Assembly of Pakistan, and the one that is linked to the "House of Commons" in Great Britain. In Pakistan, we are having a British system of Rule and law. It is one of the gifts of the Sub-continent, being a colony of Britishers for almost a hundred years or more. So, our legal, judicial, and government system is inherited from our former lords and rulers. But unfortunately, the democratic system that "Quaid e Azam" asked the nation to move on didn't function properly due to the worldly desires, whims, and wishes of his predecessors

There were disruptions due to long periods of Martial Laws or Army rule, and then the democratic system where the Prime Minister from the Lower Assembly is the Chief Executive of the Country was never given a chance to do justice to his/her tenure. All of the former prime ministers and their governments were suspended before the five-year ideal time of one session of government. hen our so-called politicians who claim to be the real heroes and mentors of the nation were and still are running behind their own material and family interests. 

Imran Khan claimed to be different with no political background, and from a feudal family. He told in fact made the whole nation trust him that he was a self-made person who earned fame, fortune, and everything from his passion and profession for Cricket. He had a massive global appeal being one of the most handsome men, most eligible handsome bachelor, and education Oxford graduates Cricket player. Then he used his fame to build a Cancer Hospital of its own kind in South East Asia "Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital". Everything was contributed by local, overseas Pakistanis, and as a find form, other countries but the name was dedicated to his passed away mother. 

He used his philanthropic works which were the result of the passionate contributions of his countrymen, to start up a political career with a party named "Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI)", the ones who will provide justice to the oppressed Pakistanis. It never happened, and in fact, he used it entirely for his political gains. The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital, NUML University, and the 1992 World Cup, as a ladder for his success in politics. As a leader, he very shrewdly enticed "Jamima Goldsmith", daughter of Sir James Goldsmith, who was one of the main people who funded and worked for Greater Israel. He lost her but they are still so good friends that ironically she bought him a farmhouse in Islamabad hills comprised of hundreds of acres. 

Anyway, he was a glamourous, fresh, new face out of the old rugged politicians whom the nation has had already seen for their torture. He came up with new concepts of " Naya Pakistan", a place where there will be no corruption and the looted money of former Prime ministers and politicians would be back and consumed on public welfare. He played with the general public sentiments of the people with his cleverness, telling them that his mission was to build a replica of "The State of Madinah ", an ideal time and system of government. He talked about the alleviation of poverty but lived in a luxurious farmhouse, traveled everywhere on the helicopter. Isn't it ironic?

Somehow, Nawaz Sharif's third regime was ended due to a filing of the case as his name came as a piece of evidence in "Panama Leaks", and then the golden time for Imran Khan and his associates began. In the 2018 elections, out of nowhere, he was declared the Prime Minister, even not having a simple majority in National Assembly. It was because his friend and providers "Jahangir Tareen", "Zulfi Bukhari providers", Khusro Bakhtiar", Abdul Aleem Khan", flew on their private jets to open winners, and of the ones who won over other parties. They handed bags full of many, and other benefits, and eventually, he got "Vote of Confidence" from the Assembly, and of course for Senate as well.

On that day, his mission, vision, voiced overvalues were killed by himself when he compromised everything, and his own vows for the sake of getting a seat of a Prime Minister. That was a tragic moment in the history of our nation, and with innocent people who trusted and believed in him that he would be the change, they always wanted and prayed. Nothing is done for the public interest, peace and to raise the standard of living of the common man. Instead, he and his associates have made it difficult for normal people to live decent lives with high inflation, a bundle of taxes, zero administration, a high crime rate, high unemployment, and lots more. Hus is called the man with U-Turns, and yes he turns from every promise, vow, and his own words so easily, without feeling a bit of shame and guilt. 

The nation is witnessing that his closest allies and friends who not only helped him in buying members of the assembly in Federal and forming Punjab Government under the dumb and idiot "Usman Buzdar" have left him. Jahangir Tareen has moved to London and doing a tie knot with Nawaz Sharif, Abdul Aleem Khan and many important figures have openly left him. The No-Confidence Motion presented by join opposition mans PML-N, PPP, JUI-Fazlur Rehman Group, a parties segment of PML-Q, and many smaller parties are aligned, and this time it seems that the establishment has left him out to face the consequences by himself. 

We have to see if he meet this challenge gracefully, and act wisely. For time being, his, arrogance, pride and tone is still too harsh, and can't expect him to change his long-built temperament stretching over fifty years of fame, I guess. Let's hope and pray that the best will come for Pakistan - Aameen. Regardless as to if he stayed or drowned due to his own deeds and words, we hope and pray the best coming days being true patriotic Pakistanis who are living a hard life, owning to this man's wrong administration, and non-stop loans with heavy interests from foreign countries and financial institutions....!! 

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